Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar

Tom realized that the whole project might be ruined before they had scarcely glimpsed Kabulistan. “Everybody hold it! Stopl” he shouted frantically.

After repeated pleas and gestures, Tom finally managed to calm the combatants. “No sense starting a war the minute we land,” he 89


pointed out to his companions. “Besides, we can’t take on their whole army.

Let’s go along peaceably and find out what this is all about.”

Reluctantly the others followed his example and allowed themselves to be taken in charge. The soldiers promptly herded the visitors aboard a truck and drove them to a nearby Army barracks.

A colonel with a black mustache glanced up and glowered fiercely as they were marched into his office. “Ah, yes! The prisoners!” he said in English with a heavy accent.

“What’s the meaning of this outrage?” Tom demanded, stepping up boldly.

“We land here on a technical mission to help your country, and your soldiers attack us without cause!”

The colonel stared at Tom in surprise. Then he stroked his mustache and sneered.

“Technical mission, eh? That, of course, is your story. Unfortunately for you, we have already been-how do you say?-tipped off that you are dangerous enemy spies.”

This time, it was Tom’s turn to gape in surprise. Recovering, he burst out laughing.

“I guess your soldiers can prove that we are rather dangerous,” Tom said, “even though we’re completely unarmed-”

“Unarmed? Is this true?” the colonel asked the sergeant in charge.

The officer nodded sheepishly.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor