Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar

captors turned to face the newcomers.

The leading horseman was hawk-faced and black-bearded. Something about him seemed familiar. Suddenly Tom gasped. “Flambo!”

Bud scowled, half in rage and half in fear. “I told you that guy was our enemy!” he muttered.



“I’ll bet he’s the one who started these hot-shots gunning for us!”

Flambo reined in his horse with a splatter of dust and gravel, then sprang to the ground. He barked something at the chieftain in a guttural tongue. Soon all the tribesmen were chattering back at him. They gesticulated wildly, first at the two boys, then toward the atomicar.

“Kefnya!” Flambo waved his hand to quiet them. Then he said to the two boys, “You have been most unwise.”

“You mean coming here unarmed?” Tom retorted. “We’ve done nothing. Why should your men attack us?”

The swarthy engineer frowned. “These are not my people. They are Baluchi tribesmen-somewhat wild, as you see, but perfectly willing to be friends.

Unfortunately, at their first approach, you frightened them out of their wits by zooming off in your flying car.”

The tribesmen, Flambo went on, had concluded the car was bewitched, and that its riders must be in league with Shaitan.

“What did they expect us to do?” Bud growled. “The way those spearmen came whooping down on us didn’t look like any game of tag. A fine way to make friends!”

Flambo chuckled, showing his white even teeth. “A bit terrifying, no doubt.

You see, the moun—


tain tribes in this part of the world have always been free as hawks. Next to his horse, a spear or a rifle is a man’s best friend-and he is apt to use it out of sheer high spirits.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor