Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar

A few months later the Provard technical aid project in Kabulistan was moving forward in high gear. New villages, with electric power provided by Tom Swift’s midget atomic power plants, were springing up in green farmlands watered by newly built irrigation canals. Schools, hospitals, factories, and mineral refining plants were on the drawing boards or already being built.

The ruby mine had proven so rich that it had given the Kabulistan government immediate financial stability. Numerous ore deposits had been located through the Swift aerial prospecting trips and would later add to the country’s wealth. Tom subcontracted a number of technical projects to Flambo’s Pan-Islamic Engineering Associates.

The young inventor felt that his own part in the vast undertaking was now completed, and that at last he could fly home to Shopton. He had plans for further inventions. His next one, the Megascope Space Prober, was to bring him further fame.


Before leaving Kabulistan, Tom and his friends were summoned to a special audience at the Shah’s palace in Shirabad. The ruler himself made a presentation.

“In recognition of your great work in giving my country new strength and freedom,” the Shah announced to a crowd of newsmen and diplomats, “I now bestow on you, Tom Swift Jr., Kabulistan’s highest award-the Order of the Ruby!”

He proceeded to pin a jeweled medal on the chest of the embarrassed, yet pleased, young scientist. Other awards followed for Tom’s companions.

In honor of Chow Winkler’s special part in the rescue of Tom, Bud, and Ed, Habib Shah presented the beaming roly-poly cook with an ornate turban and a shimmering robe of rainbow-hued silk. As Tom shook hands with Chow, flash bulbs popped and television cameras recorded the scene.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor