Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar

“Reckon it’s natural to want the real thing if you’re lookin’ fer a rugged, straight-shootin’ cowboy,” he said, doffing his ten-gallon hat. “I don’t mind posin’

fer a spell.”

Sandy and Phyl giggled as the woman dragged him off triumphantly. The girls saw them enter a low adobe house halfway down the street.

“I think that was Lady Thunderbird herself,” Bud confided in a low voice.

“Come on! Let’s get Sandy’s ring.”

Benn Garth greeted Tom and his companions at his studio and produced the new ring he had fashioned for Sandy’s ruby. Bud gave a whistle of admiration and both girls gasped with delight.

“It’s beautiful!” Sandy declared. “A perfect fit, too!”

The band was formed in the shape of two twin—


ing serpents, their heads and tails forming the setting for the stone.

“It’s certainly a fine piece of craftsmanship,” Tom remarked.

Garth invited them to have refreshments at his studio and Tom took the opportunity to inquire about Mirza.

“The police have no fresh clues,” Garth said. “The funny thing is, where could he have gone in the wide-open country around here? Of course he may still be hiding in Taos. Actually there’s no easy way to identify him without his turban.

And the town’s always thronging with tourists at this time of year.”

“Are you sure the burglar was Mirza?” Phyl put in.

Garth frowned thoughtfully. “It’s true I couldn’t see his face in the darkness very well. But the burglar did have on a turban^and I’ve never seen anyone else around here wearing one.”

Presently the four young people took their leave, and strolled along the pleasant streets. After bargaining with an Indian for a turquoise bracelet, Sandy said, “I wonder how Chow is getting along with Lady Thunderbird.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor