Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 23 – And His Aquatomic Tracker

“I am, but I’m not sure about Bud,” Tom replied. “Did you know something was wrong?”

“We sure did. We’ve been worried sick! Vaxilis’ butler rammed his car into a building in Monte Carlo on his way to the police. He already had a bullet wound and got smashed up badly in the accident. By the time the cops got to him, he was just able to gasp out that Vaxilis had kidnapped you and Bud, then he passed out. The police went to Vaxilis’ place and found everyone gone, so they notified us.”

“Wow! This case has really blown wide open!” Tom gasped. He filled Hank in hastily on all that had happened and explained the mechanism of the secret vault. “Notify the police and tell them to search the vault right away. They’ll find the Delian Apollo there and at least two other stolen masterpieces. Then get here fast and pick me up.


We must find Vaxilis’ yacht before anything happens to Bud!”

“Wilcol” Hank promised. “Keep sending and we’ll home in on your signal!”

Fifteen minutes later the Sea Hound came zooming in low over the water. Its search beam swept the shore and pinpointed Tom’s arm-waving figure. Soon he was safely aboard. Chow clucked and fussed over his young boss.

“Brand my clam chowder, Tom, you get into worse scrapes than a loco bull calf! Do you reckon we can find them low-down sidewinders what bushwhacked you and Bud?”

“We’re sure going to try, old-timer!”

Tom changed into dry clothes, then took the Sea Hound’s controls and submerged outside the cove to periscope depth. As soon as he had identified his own trail on the readout panel of the aquatomic tracker, Tom tuned the proper elements on the TC and switched to automatic pilot.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor