Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 23 – And His Aquatomic Tracker

The young inventor discussed his kidnapping with Tom Sr. and Ames, and also showed them the underwater lamp. Ames promised to check out the clue through the manufacturer.

“I’ve checked on Tristan Carlow,” Ames added.


“He’s worked for half a dozen companies and hasn’t lasted a year with any of them. Brilliant mind, they say, but the guy’s a crackpot.”

“Sounds like our boy, all right,” Bud said.

Ames grinned. “Carlow’s now set up as a consulting engineer-tiny office in New York, no staff. No police record, but he’s been in a few legal hassles with dissatisfied clients. And here’s the payoff, skipper-there were a few newspaper rumors that he would head up the Centurion salvage job. When I traced them down, it turned out Carlow planted those rumors himself.”

Tom whistled. “That’s interesting, Harlan. I’ll find out what the Navy knows about him.”

“By the way, son,” said Mr. Swift, “what do you plan to do about finding the Centurion?”

“Right now I’m stumped, Dad. But Bud gave me an idea. I think I can invent a device that will track objects underwater.”

“You mean you’re serious about that underwater bloodhound stuff?” Bud exclaimed.

“Sure. I think it can be worked out.”

“Something that can actually sniff out an underwater trail?” Ames asked half-jokingly.

“Let’s say it would be able to detect such a trail. You see,” Tom explained, “practically any object which passes through water will leave faint chemical traces which will register on a highly sensitive detector. For instance, a salmon can smell and taste the silt of its home spawning grounds. That’s how it finds its way upriver to the stream where it

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Categories: Appleton, Victor