Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 23 – And His Aquatomic Tracker

Where can I reach you?”

“Your face is known to me from newspaper pictures, Monsieur Swift. In one hour from now, start walking along the Champs-Elysees between the Rond Point and the Place de 1’Etoile.”

Tom heard a receiver click. After hanging up, he placed a transatlantic call to Admiral Hopkins in Washington. The admiral was keenly interested when told of the mysterious offer.

“I’m sure that no information has leaked out from the Navy Department,”

Hopkins said. “If this fellow already knows the Centurion was looted, he may know a lot more. Go ahead and talk to him, Tom. And you have my authority to promise the reward if his information pays off.”

An hour later, as Tom was strolling on the spacious Avenue Champs Elysees, he was tapped on the shoulder and saw a dark-complexioned man who looked as if he might be an Arab.


Monsieur Swift?”

“That’s right.”

The man suggested that they go to a sidewalk cafe. After a waiter had brought coffee, the informer said that he had been approached the day before by an American who was a complete stranger to him. The American had tried to interest him in smuggling a large quantity of gold into India.

“In India, you see, gold brings fabulous prices-if one can smuggle it past Customs. And it happens I operate a small trading vessel.” The man smirked slyly.

“Where was the gold coming from?” Tom asked.

“Ah, an interesting question. The American hinted he had salvaged much bullion from a sunken ship. He gave me the small sample as proof. By the way, may I have it back, Monsieur Swift?”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor