Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 23 – And His Aquatomic Tracker

“I see.” Tom took out the cablegram and handed it to Carlow. “Since you’re inviting Swift Enterprises into a partnership, maybe you can explain why you tried to ruin our reputation by accusing Bud and me of faking our sea crossing.”

Bud and the girls gasped. Carlow’s face went sickly pale, then flamed as he read the cable.

“I-I realize wh-what you must think,” Carlow stammered. “But at the time I felt my actions were justified. You see, I was in Shopton and saw you coming out of a restaurant the day after your takeoff. Since there was no news that the project had been canceled, I jumped to the conclusion that you were trying to deceive the public. I


assumed you took off later by submarine. Now I realize I misjudged you. I do apologize.”

“Very well. I accept your apology,” Tom said, but secretly he mistrusted the man.

“Wonderful! Then we can get down to business. Now if you’ll just look over these drawings-” Carlow held out his sheaf of blueprints eagerly.

But Tom shook his head. “Sorry, I’m afraid we’re not interested. Swift Enterprises already has ample equipment for probing the ocean floor. And to avoid any risk of a patent infringement suit later, I’d prefer not to see your plans.”

“A patent infringement suit?” Carlow looked shocked. “But that’s unthinkablel I can trust you not to steal my idea!”

“Thanks, but I’m still not interested.”

Carlow got to his feet, trembling with anger as he stuffed his drawings back into his attache case. “So that’s your attitude!” he snarled. “I might have known the great Tom Swift was too fatheaded and egotistical to admit that anyone else might come up with a good invention!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor