Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 23 – And His Aquatomic Tracker

“Not this particular model. Hmm-made in Italy. With luck we may be able to trace this lamp. But now we must start for home.”

It was late in the afternoon when the Sea Hound landed on Fearing Island.

Base technicians and rocket crewmen swarmed around the seacopter to congratulate the two hydronauts.

“Give us air, fellows!” Bud pleaded jokingly. “Our oxygen supply’s giving out!”



The boys finally managed to break away. After transferring to a Whirling Duck-a jet heliplane invented by Tom-they flew on to Swift Enterprises with Chow. News of their arrival had been radioed ahead. The sprawling experimental station was dotted with cheering employees. Mr. Swift and Harlan Ames rescued the hydronauts from the throng, and they jeeped to the plant security office for a relaxed debriefing session.

“Thank goodness we didn’t have to fight off any newsmen this time,” Tom said with a grin.

“Harlan’s been stalling them for the past twenty-four hours,” Mr. Swift replied.

“They’re after two stories now-your Atlantic crossing and the Centurion project.”

When they were seated in the security office, Ames went on to explain that an official news story had been given out in Washington that Tom Swift would take charge of the salvage operations. “Reporters have been badgering us ever since, but so far we’ve given them nothing except a brief news release your father wrote.”

Tom read the release and nodded approval. “I agree it’ll be safer to say as little as possible till we know what my enemy’s up to. As a matter of fact, I didn’t know I was in charge.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor