Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 23 – And His Aquatomic Tracker

“But we’ll be watching, and remove the bomb before the freighter puts to sea-is that it?”



“That still doesn’t tell us who’s going to provide the freighter,” Ames objected.

“I have a hunch Admiral Hopkins can help us with that,” Tom said. “Also with the crew.”

The young inventor phoned Washington, and Admiral Hopkins flew to Fearing Island to discuss the scheme. The Navy man was enthusiastic.

“Tom, that’s the kind of strategy which wins battles!” Hopkins declared. “Feint your enemy into a move and then clobber him-l”

“The plan may not work,” Tom cautioned. “Vaxilis is cunning-he’s already hiding out from the law-and he may scent a trap. But we know he has a mania for art masterpieces and he’ll stop at nothing to obtain them. I’m gambling that the Rembrandt will be too juicy a prize for him to pass up.”

“And I’m convinced your scheme’s worth a try,” the admiral assured Tom.

“There are freighters in the Maritime Administration’s Reserve Fleets waiting to be scrapped. We can borrow one of those. In fact, one had been leased to a private shipping firm and still bears their s name. That should fool Vaxilis. I’ll arrange matters with the president of the shipping company.”

“How about a crew?” Ames put in.

“Navy regulars-I’ll issue a confidential call for volunteers,” Hopkins promised.

“The man we’re after is a public enemy who’s sunk an ocean liner, endangered hundreds of innocent lives, and stolen


fifteen millions in federal bullion. Someday he may strike again. I’d say it’s worth plenty of risk to stop him.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor