Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

I looked at the countryside for a while more, then took out

my paper and pen and wrote all of this down. The sun is

about to sink behind the hill, and I can hear crickets chirp

ing and birds singing, and I can still see a deer across the

field, near some trees.

I stopped after I wrote the last paragraph above and

thought for a while like Ark told me to do. I don’t feel as

upset as I did when I started to write down this report. I’ve

just put my blanket over Cotterpin and left my bag of food

with him after I ate some of it, and I’ve made sure that Axle

has enough grass where she is standing, off to the side of

the road. I am taking my papers and pen and facts machine,

and I am going back to see Ark. I might have something to

write to you about later, but if not, then it won’t matter.


Report Number Five

Same day, after midnight, I think

Hi, Astinus! Its really late, I know, but I had to get one

last report to you about how everything went. Ark doesn’t

know that I’m up or that I found out where he hid the facts

machine after I gave it back to him and he ordered me never

to touch it again or else I’d go to jail for a year, so don’t tell

him, please. He and Widow Muffin are asleep right now,

and I don’t think they could wake up for anything, and I’d

rather not wake them up anyway. It’s been a busy evening.

I went back into town right at sundown and went home

to the shop, though part way there I slowed down a lot and

was worried about what Ark would do when he found that I

had his facts machine and had burned down the town and

all, even if the last part was an accident. I felt bad, too,

because I had failed to find out everything I think you

wanted and Ark would be angry and disappointed in me,

and I was also rather mortified that Ark might find out that I

read Widow Muffin’s letters, but I didn’t read them all, just

the first twelve.

The town was quiet again, though I could smell some

smoke, and I saw candles burning in the window at the back

of the shop where I usually go in. As I got closer, I saw that

the back door was open, and I could hear voices inside the

shop. The light inside was flickering, and at first I thought it

was the stove. As I got even closer, I could tell that one of

the voices was Ark’s and one was Widow Muffin’s, and I

almost stopped, but I kept going anyway, even if my face

was red.

It was when I got even closer still, almost up to the

doorway, that I could hear a third voice in the shop, and

that voice was Goodwife Filster’s.

I stopped right then, holding the satchel and not moving

a muscle. Goodwife Filster was saying something in a loud

voice, growling like the Wylmeens’ mastiff when he

catches scent of me walking through the garden that he

thinks is his territory. After a moment, I edged up to the

door on one side, so no one could see me, and I listened to

them talk, though Ark had once told me to never spy on

anyone, and I never have, except just then and maybe two

other times.

“You have to be reasonable about this,” Ark was

saying. His voice was a little too high and tight. “If you

could just listen to me for a minute and think about – ”

“Shut your dung-eating trap,” shouted Goodwife

Filster. “You brought that wicked little monster into this

good town, and look at me now! My bakery’s burned down,

and I’ve got nothing left to my name except the clothes on

my back. My whole life has been a sewage pit ever since

blessed Istar died, and it’s all because of vermin like that

kender and maggot-brained asses like yourself who feed

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Categories: Weis, Margaret