Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

Draco-Human Dragon-Huma

oparu sac temper me now

Draco-Humah Dragon-Huma

coni parl ai fam Grant me grace and love

Saat mas Solamnis When the heart of the Knighthood

vegri nough wavers in doubt

Coni est Lor Tarikan Grant me this, Warrior Lord

Sularus Humah Honor is Huma

Karram Humah Glory is Huma

Solamnis Humah durvey Solamnic Knight Huma survives

Karamnes Humah durvey Glorified Huma survives

Mithas! Life; hear!

Humah dix karai! Huma’s death calls me!

Ex dix! His death!

Oparu est dix! Temper me with such death!

Solamnis Lor Alan Paladine! Paladine, lord god of knights!

Humah mithas est mithasah! Huma’s life is all our lives!

Draco-Humah durvey! Dragon-Huma survives!



Through most of a day – from when the sun was high overhead until

now, when the sun was gone behind the dagger-spire peaks of the

Khalkist Mountains and night birds heralded the first stars glimpsed

above – through those hours and those miles he had trailed the puny

ones, thinking they might lead him to others of their kind. Now they

had stopped. Now they were settling in on the slope below him, stopping

for the night, and his patience was at an end.

Crouching low, blending his huge silhouette with the

brush of the darkening hillside, he heard their voices

drifting up to him – thin, human voices as frail as the bodies

from which they issued, as fragile as the bones within those

bodies, which he could crush with a squeeze of his hand. He

heard the strike of flint, smelled the wispy smoke of their

tinder, and saw the first flickers of the fire they were

building – a fire to guard them against the night.

His chuckle was a rumble of contempt, deep within his

huge chest. It was a campfire to heat their meager foods and

to protect them from whatever might be out there, watching.

Humans! His chuckle became a deep, rumbling growl. Like

all of the lesser races, the small, frail races, they put their

trust in a handful of fire and thought they were safe.

Safe from me? His wide mouth spread in a sneering grin,

exposing teeth like sharpened chisels. Contempt burned

deep within his eyes. Safe? No human was safe from Krog.

Krog knew how to deal with humans – and with anyone else

who ventured into his territory. He found them, tracked

them down, and killed them. Sometimes they carried

something he could use, sometimes not, but it was always a

pleasure to see their torment as he crushed and mangled

them, a joy to hear their screams.

There were a dozen or more in the party below him.

Four were armed males, the rest a motley, ragged group

bound together by lengths of rope tied around their necks.

Slaves, Krog knew. The remnants of some human village

ransacked by slavers. There were many such groups

roaming the countryside in these days – slavers and their

prey. Small groups like this, usually, though sometimes the

groups came together in large camps, to trade and to export

their prizes to distant markets. Those, the big groups, he

enjoyed most, but now he was tired of waiting.

He studied them; his cunning eyes counted their

shadows in the dusk below. The slaves were grouped just

beyond the little fire, but it was their captors he watched

most closely, marking exactly where each of the armed ones

settled around their fire. Experience had taught him to deal

first with the armed ones. He carried the scars of sword and

axe cuts, from times when armed humans had managed a

slash or two before he finished them. The cuts had been

annoying. Better, he had learned, to deal with the weapon-

bearers quickly. Then he could finish off the others in any

way that amused him.

For a long time now, ever since the beginning of the

strangenesses that some called omens, humans and other

small races had been wandering into the territory that Krog

considered his – the eastern slopes of the Khalkist

Mountains. Chaotic times had fallen upon the plains

beyond, and the people of those plains were in turmoil.

Krog knew little of that, cared less. Every day, humans and

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Categories: Weis, Margaret