Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

sitting at the kitchen table, sound asleep. He had all of his

papers out and his pens and his ink bottles, and he had just

started what looked like a long report to you about the

political and religious situation in Newshore, but he must

have been pretty tired, what with staying up so late last

night, and I wondered if it was because I had been up late,

too, because I was so excited about being made a recorder,

and maybe I shouldn’t have tried to make tea, because I

spilled hot water all over the dirt floor in the kitchen so that

it turned to mud. I didn’t want to bother Ark, so I went

looking for food, and while I was doing that I found his

“facts machine,” which is why you are getting my reports

the moment I write them down.

The facts machine was in a leather satchel by Ark’s

feet, and I couldn’t help but look at it, because Ark usually

throws a fit if I get near it. He says gnomes and wizards

made it and that all you have to do is put a page of paper in

the machine and it sends the page by magic to your library

so you can read all the facts right away. What will those

gnomes and wizards think of next? Ark said only the most

trusted scribes get their own facts machines, and the

machines are the most incredible secret, and I must never

tell anyone about them, and I never have, not even Widow

Muffin, who comes over to see Ark and me now and then

and is the sweetest person, so don’t worry, because you can

trust me.

As I was looking through the satchel I also found the

letter you sent to Ark yesterday, telling him he had better

send in his assignment to find out how people feel about the

Cataclysm (as you call it) and how peeved you were that

Ark had not done so before now. I also read the part where

you said you understood Ark’s concerns about talking to the

wrong people and being lynched, but his job required

dedication, and you seemed to imply that being lynched

wasn’t half as bad as what you had in mind if Ark missed

his next deadline, which was tonight at sundown.

You said that Ark’s assignment was important because

you were concerned that the purpose and lessons of the

Cataclysm were being lost in a sea of deliberate ignorance

and intolerance that could lay the foundation for future

disasters (I’m copying from your letter now), and you said

you counted on Ark and others like him to keep you

informed of the condition of the land and its peoples,

because if the peoples couldn’t get off on the right foot (or is

that feet?), then maybe they never would and one day we’d

be sorry.

Well, I was amazed that anyone wouldn’t know why

Istar had a flaming mountain dropped on it, since Istar was

such a poop nation and went around enslaving and torturing

and killing people, all the while saying the people were

being killed for their own good, until the gods got fed up

and turned Istar into the bottom of the Blood Sea of Istar for

everyone else’s own good. Ark taught me all that, and I

always thought everyone knew that but then I never asked,

and I was surprised to read that Ark said he was afraid to

ask, and I couldn’t figure out why not understanding the

Cataclysm meant we would be sorry later. Are we going to

be tested on it?

Anyway, you had told Ark to send in his report by

sundown tonight or else, and I knew Ark couldn’t very well

do that while he was asleep, so I’ve decided to do his work

for him and surprise him when he wakes up. Isn’t that great?

I’m going to find out what everyone thinks of the

Cataclysm, and I’ll write it all down and send it right to you

on the facts machine, which I took with me. Ark will be so

proud! Sometimes, when he’s bailing me out of jail, he says

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Categories: Weis, Margaret