Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

peering at his armor. “A Knight of the Order of the Rose!

This must be a sign, that one of the servants of the Great

Enemy should fall into our hands so easily! Our infernal

Lord Morgion MUST find this sacrifice satisfactory.”

“What of the others, Nightmaster?” The newcomers

were covered from head to toe in enveloping cloaks and

hoods. Only the Nightmaster’s features were visible. He had

a long, vulpine face, and his skin looked mottled.

“This one will die this eve. The rest are sheep and will

be sacrificed as needed. The knight is of utmost importance.

For him, we must plan a ceremonial death, a slow,

debilitating death, with one of the slower, more intricate


“But, Nightmaster,” pleaded another, “we’ve tried

before and failed. Some are saying the gods have all

abandoned Krynn – ”

“Blasphemy!” The leader’s shout silenced the

questioner. Under the cleric’s baleful gaze, the other cultists

reached down and took hold of the knight.

“Bind and gag him . . . just in case.”

The acolytes obeyed with cold efficiency.

Desperate, Rennard swung his sword at the closest, but

his weapon passed through the man without harm. Rennard

stared at his hand, thinking how useless it was despite the

heavy gauntlet. To all living things, I am less than the wind!

A wave of agony sent him to his knees. His frustration

had left him open to the curse. The plague was coursing

through his body. He fought back the pain. Through blurred

eyes, Rennard watched the cultists carry Dornay away.

“Paladine . . . great lord . . . you cannot want this! I do

not want this and neither does Huma, your most loyal

servant! Will you give another victim to the foul, faceless

Master of the Bronze Tower?”

This plea, however, went ignored as far as he could tell.

The cultist had spoken of a rumor of the gods leaving

Krynn. Was that so? Was there no one, then, who could

save the young Solamnian?

No one . . . except a ghost. . . ?

“It seems I am always too weak! To save my life, I

gave myself to Morgion. Later, I killed myself, as Huma

watched. Now, I must let Erik die.”

Unbidden, the “Song of Huma” came to his mind. Try

as he might, Rennard could not drive the melody away.

“Huma,” the ghost whispered, “why must you, of all

people, continue to have faith in me?”

He struggled to his feet and started to follow, each

movement sheer torture. Every dead muscle, every long-

decayed organ, every broken joint in his body burned with

pain and fever. What he hoped to accomplish, the ghost did

not know. Rennard knew only that he could not yet give in.

He could hear the acolytes whisper.

“… death of another knight . . .”

“… Morgion reigns . . .”

“… another soul to add to his collection . . .”

Rennard doubled his pain-filled efforts to keep pace

with them. Fortunately, the servants of Morgion were

hampered by Erik’s armored body.

Too soon, the Nightmaster signaled his acolytes to stop.

“This will do.” The leader pointed to a small, cleared

patch of ground by a stream. Morgion’s servants preferred

privacy for their work. It would not do for some peasant to

stumble on them. He might escape and warn the others.

The Nightmaster began chanting a litany that brought

back to Rennard faint memories of stench-ridden ruins and

dark practices for the glory of the despotic deity who was

their lord. It would not be long before the sacrifice. The

special death of a Knight of the Rose was a great gift to the

dark god. Small wonder that the Nightmaster might think it

sufficient to at last reunite the cultists with their master.

Rennard had willed himself to be visible to the young

knight. Now the ghost sought to do the same with the

cultists, hoping that his horrific appearance would send

them fleeing. Exactly how he had accomplished the feat the

first time, the ghost didn’t know. Intense need, anger,

bitterness . . .

At first, he thought he’d failed, for surely someone

should have noticed him, then one of the acolytes raised his

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Categories: Weis, Margaret