Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

with them, had followed Drule and Krog as far as the pen.

Not finding a hole in the cage, they made one. Using the

edges of burnished iron stew tureens, they chipped away

enough sapling bars and lashings for the gully dwarves to

come tumbling out, and a flood of crouched Talls right

behind them. Pushing past and through the gully dwarves as

though they were not there, the Talls grabbed up fallen

weapons and launched a murderous attack on the stunned

and disorganized slavers.

The minute Gorge III, Highbulp of This Place and

Those Other Places Too, was free of captivity, he threw

back his shoulders, donned his most regal pose and issued

the orders of a true leader. “Everybody run like crazy!” he



It was many hours later, and broad daylight, when the

reunited Clan of Bulp paused on the devastated lower slopes

of the Khalkist Mountains to regroup. Through night and

morning they had fled, each and severally. But now Gorge

remembered that he had sore feet and decided it was a good

time to stop and reassert his authority. He proclaimed a

temporary This Place, and by threes and fives they gathered

around him.

There was one small problem. Through it all, nobody

had thought to tell Gorge about Krog, so when the Lady

Drule and her band showed up, shrieks and screams filled

the hazy air and they found a This Place with no one in

attendance except old Hunch, sitting on a rock.

Drule looked around in confusion. “Where Highbulp?

Where ever’body go?”

“All run an’ hide.” Hunch shrugged.


“Dunno. Didn’ say. Ever’body just holler an’ run an’


Impatiently, Drule set her fists on her hips, stamped her

foot, and shouted, “Gorge! Where you?”

Here and there, shadows moved. From brushy crevices

and piles of stone, faces peered out. The Highbulp’s voice

said, “Yes, dear?”

“What goin’ on?” the Lady Drule demanded. “You

playin’ game?”

More of the gully dwarves peered from hiding places,

all gaping at the towering Krog. “What that you got with

you, dear?” the Highbulp called.

Drule looked up at the ogre, then turned toward the

voice. “Nothin’! Just Krog! Stop fool ’round!”

Reassurance didn’t come easily, but lapse of attention

did, and soon the whole tribe was gathered.

Within an hour, they had stew on, and the Lady Drule

handed a tureen to Gorge III. He sniffed, tasted, and

proclaimed, “This superi . . . excep . . . pretty good stew!

What in it?”

“Cave bear an’ skinny green plant,” she said. “An’

mushroom an’ tall-grass seed an’ leftover bird nest.”

He took another sip and nodded. “Good stuff. Best I…

CAVE BEAR? Where get cave bear?”

Offhandedly, Drule pointed at the hulking Krog, who

was waiting for the crowd around the stew pot to disperse

so that he could finish the pot. “Krog get,” she said. “Krog

not much for hunt rats, but bash bears real good.”

“Krog,” the Highbulp said, scowling in thought as he

studied the amiable monster. He hadn’t really thought much

about Krog since the first shock of encounter, but when he

did, troubling notions tumbled around in his head. He

glanced at Drule suspiciously. “Krog call you Mama,” he

said. “You been up to somethin’, dear?”

“Krog lost, needed mama.” She shrugged. “Keeps

callin’ me that.”

“Oh.” Gorge sipped at his stew, relieved but still

troubled. “Dear, wha’ happen to Talls at slave camp? Some-

thin’ squash ’em?”

“Mostly Krog,” she explained. “He got th’ hang of

bashin’ Talls pretty quick. Had lotta fun.”

“Hmph!” Gorge sat in thought for a time, then asked,

“How you an’ others find us?”

Again she pointed at the huge creature nearby. “Krog

find place. Krog pretty handy have around, right?”

“Right.” The Highbulp scowled. Tossing aside his

empty tureen, he stalked away, sulking.

The Lady Drule stared after him, then beckoned the

Grand Notioner. “Hunch, what wrong with Highbulp?”

“Highbulp?” Hunch shrugged. “Highbulp is Highbulp.

That his main problem.”

“What that mean?”

“Highbulp gotta be Highbulp alla time,” he explained,

puzzling it out as he went. “Gotta be big cheese, top turkey,

main mullet, otherwise, no good be Highbulp.”

“So what?”

“So now Krog big hero. Ever’body lookin’ up to Krog.

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Categories: Weis, Margaret