Dragonlance Tales II, Vol. 2 – The Cataclysm by Margaret Weis

that he should have left me by the side of the road, which is

how he became my foster father, as he found me on his way

into town when I was a baby just after the time of the

Cataclysm. He raised me and showed me how to fix shoes

and how to count and read and everything, but we do have

our moments when things don’t go right, which seems to

happen more often lately, now that I’m bigger, but that’s

how families work sometimes, you know.

Anyway, here I am now, down by the harbor in the

alley beside Goodwife Filster’s bakery, trying to stay out of

the wind and keep warm. Ark said I should write down

important things while I’m out today, so I will do that and

send them to you, and I think I should write down

something about Newshore and its politics and religion, but

Newshore doesn’t have much of either. I could also talk

about how Newshore got its name, as it used to be a farm

until Istar got mashed and the sea came up and northern

Ergoth turned into an island, and you can still see the

sunken foundation stones of an old barn just offshore, in a

place Ark shows me when we go fishing, but everybody

here knows about that. I could talk about Goodwife Filster’s

sugar rolls, which I can smell baking now, and they are on

my mind a lot because I forgot to get something to eat

before I left the shop the second time, but no one would

want to read that, either. I should just get started on my


But, first, I am going to get a sugar roll.


Report Number Two

Same day, about midmorning

Hi, Astinus! I am writing this from the Newshore

magistrate’s jail in cell number four. It is dark in here, and I

cannot see what I am writing or even if my pen is still

working. It smells like somebody drank too much ale and it

didn’t agree with him, so he got rid of it in every way he

could and then didn’t bother to clean it up. I can hear

someone snoring in cell number one, and cell three has

someone in it who needs to use a handkerchief.

How I got here is very interesting, so I will put it down

in case it is important. I was really hungry and was getting

cold in the alley, so I went on into the bakery, which

smelled of fresh-baked sugar rolls and breakfast pastries,

the whirly kind with the melted cheese stuff on top that Ark

says gives him gas but which I like anyway (the pastries

with cheese I mean, not the gas, which is awful).

Ark always buys pastries from Goodwife Filster by him

self. When I tell him I want to get them, he always says,

“That wouldn’t be a good idea,” and he buys the pastries.

Goodwife Filster always frowns at me while I wait for Ark

outside her shop. She knoFws I’ll be eating the sugar rolls

Ark is buying, which I think makes her mad, but I have no

idea why. She’s one of the people I want to understand by

being a recorder, but so far I haven’t figured her out.

When I opened the oak door and went inside where it

was toasty warm from the baking ovens and smelled the

way I imagine Paradise does, Goodwife Filster saw me and

frowned (she never smiles) and said in a nasty voice, “I’m

not open yet, kender.”

I said, “I thought you always opened about now.”

And she said, “Get out of here, before I call the

magistrate. Go on!”

About then I knew I wasn’t going to get a sugar roll or

even a cheese pastry, because Goodwife Filster is funny

sometimes about people who aren’t human like her, only

she’s not really funny as in funny ha-ha, she’s funny as in

funny uh-oh. Ark calls her the Minotaur, on account of she’s

strong and heavy and has such a terrible temper, but he says

it’s because she’s as ugly as one, too.

I was leaving when I remembered what you had asked

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Categories: Weis, Margaret