In Defence of Harriet Shelley by Mark Twain

retorting reason of a size to overshadow it and make it insignificant:

1. Harriet sets up carriage. 1. CORNELIA TURNER.

2. Harriet stops studying. 2. CORNELIA TURNER.

3. Harriet goes to bonnet-shop. 3. CORNELIA TURNER.

4. Harriet takes a wet-nurse. 4. CORNELIA TURNER.

5. Harriet has too much nerve. 5. CORNELIA TURNER.

6. Detested sister-in-law.fi. 6. CORNELIA TURNER.

As soon as we comprehend that Cornelia Turner and the Italian lessons

happened before the little six had been discovered to be grievances,

we understand why Shelley’s happiness in his home had been wounded and

bruised almost to death, and no one can persuade us into laying it on

Harriet. Shelley and Cornelia are the responsible persons, and we cannot

in honor and decency allow the cruelties which they practised upon the

unoffending wife to be pushed aside in order to give us a chance to waste

time and tears over six sentimental justifications of an offence which

the six can’t justify, nor even respectably assist in justifying.

Six? There were seven; but in charity to the biographer the seventh

ought not to be exposed. Still, he hung it out himself, and not only

hung it out, but thought it was a good point in Shelley’s favor. For two

years Shelley found sympathy and intellectual food and all that at home;

there was enough for spiritual and mental support, but not enough for

luxury; and so, at the end of the contented two years, this latter detail

justifies him in going bag and baggage over to Cornelia Turner and

supplying the rest of his need in the way of surplus sympathy and

intellectual pie unlawfully. By the same reasoning a man in merely

comfortable circumstances may rob a bank without sin.


It is 1814, it is the 16th of March, Shelley has, written his letter, he

has been in the Boinville paradise a month, his deserted wife is in her

husbandless home. Mischief had been wrought. It is the biographer who

concedes this. We greatly need some light on Harriet’s side of the case

now; we need to know how she enjoyed the month, but there is no way to

inform ourselves; there seems to be a strange absence of documents and

letters and diaries on that side. Shelley kept a diary, the approaching

Mary Godwin kept a diary, her father kept one, her half-sister by

marriage, adoption, and the dispensation of God kept one, and the entire

tribe and all its friends wrote and received letters, and the letters

were kept and are producible when this biography needs them; but there

are only three or four scraps of Harriet’s writing, and no diary.

Harriet wrote plenty of letters to her husband–nobody knows where they

are, I suppose; she wrote plenty of letters to other people–apparently

they have disappeared, too. Peacock says she wrote good letters, but

apparently interested people had sagacity enough to mislay them in time.

After all her industry she went down into her grave and lies silent

there–silent, when she has so much need to speak. We can only wonder at

this mystery, not account for it.

No, there is no way of finding out what Harriet’s state of feeling was

during the month that Shelley was disporting himself in the Bracknell

paradise. We have to fall back upon conjecture, as our fabulist does

when he has nothing more substantial to work with. Then we easily

conjecture that as the days dragged by Harriet’s heart grew heavier and

heavier under its two burdens–shame and resentment: the shame of being

pointed at and gossiped about as a deserted wife, and resentment against

the woman who had beguiled her husband from her and now kept him in a

disreputable captivity. Deserted wives–deserted whether for cause or

without cause–find small charity among the virtuous and the discreet.

We conjecture that one after another the neighbors ceased to call; that

one after another they got to being “engaged” when Harriet called; that

finally they one after the other cut her dead on the street; that after

that she stayed in the house daytimes, and brooded over her sorrows, and

nighttimes did the same, there being nothing else to do with the heavy

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Categories: Twain, Mark