In Defence of Harriet Shelley by Mark Twain

his right mind or out of it, could sit down and coldly try to persuade

anybody to believe it, or listen patiently to it, or, indeed, do anything

but scoff at it and deride it, is astonishing.

The charge insinuated by these odious slanders is one of the most

difficult of all offences to prove; it is also one which no man has a

right to mention even in a whisper about any woman, living or dead,

unless he knows it to be true, and not even then unless he can also prove

it to be true. There is no justification for the abomination of putting

this stuff in the book.

Against Harriet Shelley’s good name there is not one scrap of tarnishing

evidence, and not even a scrap of evil gossip, that comes from a source

that entitles it to a hearing.

On the credit side of the account we have strong opinions from the people

who knew her best. Peacock says:

“I feel it due to the memory of Harriet to state my most

decided conviction that her conduct as a wife was as pure, as

true, as absolutely faultless, as that of any who for such

conduct are held most in honor.”

Thornton Hunt, who had picked and published slight flaws in Harriet’s

character, says, as regards this alleged large one:

“There is not a trace of evidence or a whisper of scandal

against her before her voluntary departure from Shelley.”

Trelawney says:

“I was assured by the evidence of the few friends who knew both

Shelley and his wife–Hookham, Hogg, Peacock, and one of the

Godwins–that Harriet was perfectly innocent of all offence.”

What excuse was there for raking up a parcel of foul rumors from

malicious and discredited sources and flinging them at this dead girl’s

head? Her very defencelessness should have been her protection. The

fact that all letters to her or about her, with almost every scrap of her

own writing, had been diligently mislaid, leaving her case destitute of a

voice, while every pen-stroke which could help her husband’s side had

been as diligently preserved, should have excused her from being brought

to trial. Her witnesses have all disappeared, yet we see her summoned in

her grave-clothes to plead for the life of her character, without the

help of an advocate, before a disqualified judge and a packed jury.

Harriet Shelley wrote her distressed letter on the 7th of July. On the

28th her husband ran away with Mary Godwin and her part-sister Claire to

the Continent. He deserted his wife when her confinement was

approaching. She bore him a child at the end of November, his mistress

bore him another one something over two months later. The truants were

back in London before either of these events occurred.

On one occasion, presently, Shelley was so pressed for money to support

his mistress with that he went to his wife and got some money of his that

was in her hands–twenty pounds. Yet the mistress was not moved to

gratitude; for later, when the wife was troubled to meet her engagements,

the mistress makes this entry in her diary:

“Harriet sends her creditors here; nasty woman. Now we shall

have to change our lodgings.”

The deserted wife bore the bitterness and obloquy of her situation two

years and a quarter; then she gave up, and drowned herself. A month

afterwards the body was found in the water. Three weeks later Shelley

married his mistress.

I must here be allowed to italicize a remark of the biographer’s

concerning Harriet Shelley:

“That no act of Shelley’s during the two years which

immediately preceded her death tended to cause the rash act

which brought her life to its close seems certain.”

Yet her husband had deserted her and her children, and was living with a

concubine all that time! Why should a person attempt to write biography

when the simplest facts have no meaning to him? This book is littered

with as crass stupidities as that one–deductions by the page which bear

no discoverable kinship to their premises.

The biographer throws off that extraordinary remark without any

perceptible disturbance to his serenity; for he follows it with a

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Categories: Twain, Mark