In Defence of Harriet Shelley by Mark Twain

book’s form, is still not to be recommended. If the book wishes to tell

us that Harriet Shelley hired a wet-nurse, that commonplace fact gets

turned into a dancing-master, who does his professional bow before us in

pumps and knee-breeches, with his fiddle under one arm and his crush-hat

under the other, thus: “The beauty of Harriet’s motherly relation to her

babe was marred in Shelley’s eyes by the introduction into his house of a

hireling nurse to whom was delegated the mother’s tenderest office.”

This is perhaps the strangest book that has seen the light since

Frankenstein. Indeed, it is a Frankenstein itself; a Frankenstein with

the original infirmity supplemented by a new one; a Frankenstein with the

reasoning faculty wanting. Yet it believes it can reason, and is always

trying. It is not content to leave a mountain of fact standing in the

clear sunshine, where the simplest reader can perceive its form, its

details, and its relation to the rest of the landscape, but thinks it

must help him examine it and understand it; so its drifting mind settles

upon it with that intent, but always with one and the same result: there

is a change of temperature and the mountain is hid in a fog. Every time

it sets up a premise and starts to reason from it, there is a surprise in

store for the reader. It is strangely nearsighted, cross-eyed, and

purblind. Sometimes when a mastodon walks across the field of its vision

it takes it for a rat; at other times it does not see it at all.

The materials of this biographical fable are facts, rumors, and poetry.

They are connected together and harmonized by the help of suggestion,

conjecture, innuendo, perversion, and semi-suppression.

The fable has a distinct object in view, but this object is not

acknowledged in set words. Percy Bysshe Shelley has done something which

in the case of other men is called a grave crime; it must be shown that

in his case it is not that, because he does not think as other men do

about these things.

Ought not that to be enough, if the fabulist is serious? Having proved

that a crime is not a crime, was it worth while to go on and fasten the

responsibility of a crime which was not a crime upon somebody else? What

is the use of hunting down and holding to bitter account people who are

responsible for other people’s innocent acts?

Still, the fabulist thinks it a good idea to do that. In his view

Shelley’s first wife, Harriet, free of all offense as far as we have

historical facts for guidance, must be held unforgivably responsible for

her husband’s innocent act in deserting her and taking up with another


Any one will suspect that this task has its difficulties. Any one will

divine that nice work is necessary here, cautious work, wily work, and

that there is entertainment to be had in watching the magician do it.

There is indeed entertainment in watching him. He arranges his facts,

his rumors, and his poems on his table in full view of the house, and

shows you that everything is there–no deception, everything fair and

above board. And this is apparently true, yet there is a defect, for

some of his best stock is hid in an appendix-basket behind the door, and

you do not come upon it until the exhibition is over and the enchantment

of your mind accomplished–as the magician thinks.

There is an insistent atmosphere of candor and fairness about this book

which is engaging at first, then a little burdensome, then a trifle

fatiguing, then progressively suspicious, annoying, irritating, and

oppressive. It takes one some little time to find out that phrases which

seem intended to guide the reader aright are there to mislead him; that

phrases which seem intended to throw light are there to throw darkness;

that phrases which seem intended to interpret a fact are there to

misinterpret it; that phrases which seem intended to forestall prejudice

are there to create it; that phrases which seem antidotes are poisons in

disguise. The naked facts arrayed in the book establish Shelley’s guilt

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Categories: Twain, Mark