In Defence of Harriet Shelley by Mark Twain


Shelley moved to Bracknell, July 27th (this is still 1813) purposely to

be near this unwholesome prairie-dogs’ nest. The fabulist says: “It was

the entrance into a world more amiable and exquisite than he had yet


“In this acquaintance the attraction was mutual”–and presently it grew

to be very mutual indeed, between Shelley and Cornelia Turner, when they

got to studying the Italian poets together. Shelley, “responding like a

tremulous instrument to every breath of passion or of sentiment,” had his

chance here. It took only four days for Cornelia’s attractions to begin

to dim Harriet’s. Shelley arrived on the 27th of July; on the 31st he

wrote a sonnet to Harriet in which “one detects already the little rift

in the lover’s lute which had seemed to be healed or never to have gaped

at all when the later and happier sonnet to Ianthe was written”–in

September, we remember:

Exhibit D


“O thou bright Sun! Beneath the dark blue line

Of western distance that sublime descendest,

And, gleaming lovelier as thy beams decline,

Thy million hues to every vapor lendest,

And over cobweb, lawn, and grove, and stream

Sheddest the liquid magic of thy light,

Till calm Earth, with the parting splendor bright,

Shows like the vision of a beauteous dream;

What gazer now with astronomic eye

Could coldly count the spots within thy sphere?

Such were thy lover, Harriet, could he fly

The thoughts of all that makes his passion dear,

And turning senseless from thy warm caress

Pick flaws in our close-woven happiness.”

I cannot find the “rift”; still it may be there. What the poem seems to

say is, that a person would be coldly ungrateful who could consent to

count and consider little spots and flaws in such a warm, great,

satisfying sun as Harriet is. It is a “little rift which had seemed to

be healed, or never to have gaped at all.” That is, “one detects” a

little rift which perhaps had never existed. How does one do that?

How does one see the invisible? It is the fabulist’s secret; he knows

how to detect what does not exist, he knows how to see what is not

seeable; it is his gift, and he works it many a time to poor dead Harriet

Shelley’s deep damage.

“As yet, however, if there was a speck upon Shelley’s happiness it was no

more than a speck”–meaning the one which one detects where “it may never

have gaped at all”–“nor had Harriet cause for discontent.”

Shelley’s Latin instructions to his wife had ceased. “From a teacher he

had now become a pupil.” Mrs. Boinville and her young married daughter

Cornelia were teaching him Italian poetry; a fact which warns one to

receive with some caution that other statement that Harriet had no

“cause for discontent.”

Shelley had stopped instructing Harriet in Latin, as before mentioned.

The biographer thinks that the busy life in London some time back, and

the intrusion of the baby, account for this. These were hindrances, but

were there no others? He is always overlooking a detail here and there

that might be valuable in helping us understand a situation. For

instance, when a man has been hard at work at the Italian poets with a

pretty woman, hour after hour, and responding like a tremulous instrument

to every breath of passion or of sentiment in the meantime, that man is

dog-tired when he gets home, and he can’t teach his wife Latin; it would

be unreasonable to expect it.

Up to this time we have submitted to having Mrs. Boinville pushed upon

us as ostensibly concerned in these Italian lessons, but the biographer

drops her now, of his own accord. Cornelia “perhaps” is sole teacher.

Hogg says she was a prey to a kind of sweet melancholy, arising from

causes purely imaginary; she required consolation, and found it in

Petrarch. He also says, “Bysshe entered at once fully into her views and

caught the soft infection, breathing the tenderest and sweetest

melancholy, as every true poet ought.”

Then the author of the book interlards a most stately and fine compliment

to Cornelia, furnished by a man of approved judgment who knew her well

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Categories: Twain, Mark