In Defence of Harriet Shelley by Mark Twain

“The Shelleys have made an addition to their party in the person of a

cold scholar, who, I think, has neither taste nor feeling. This, Shelley

will perceive sooner or later, for his warm nature craves sympathy.”

True, and Shelley will fight his way back there to get it–there will be

no way to head him off.

Towards the end of November it was necessary for Shelley to pay a

business visit to London, and he conceived the project of leaving Harriet

and the baby in Edinburgh with Harriet’s sister, Eliza Westbrook,

a sensible, practical maiden lady about thirty years old, who had spent

a great part of her time with the family since the marriage. She was

an estimable woman, and Shelley had had reason to like her, and did like

her; but along about this time his feeling towards her changed. Part of

Shelley’s plan, as he wrote Hogg, was to spend his London evenings with

the Newtons–members of the Boinville Hysterical Society. But, alas,

when he arrived early in December, that pleasant game was partially

blocked, for Eliza and the family arrived with him. We are left

destitute of conjectures at this point by the biographer, and it is my

duty to supply one. I chance the conjecture that it was Eliza who

interfered with that game. I think she tried to do what she could

towards modifying the Boinville connection, in the interest of her young

sister’s peace and honor.

If it was she who blocked that game, she was not strong enough to block

the next one. Before the month and year were out–no date given, let us

call it Christmas–Shelley and family were nested in a furnished house in

Windsor, “at no great distance from the Boinvilles”–these decoys still

residing at Bracknell.

What we need, now, is a misleading conjecture. We get it with

characteristic promptness and depravity:

“But Prince Athanase found not the aged Zonoras, the friend of

his boyhood, in any wanderings to Windsor. Dr. Lind had died

a year since, and with his death Windsor must have lost, for

Shelley, its chief attraction.”

Still, not to mention Shelley’s wife, there was Bracknell, at any rate.

While Bracknell remains, all solace is not lost. Shelley is represented

by this biographer as doing a great many careless things, but to my mind

this hiring a furnished house for three months in order to be with a man

who has been dead a year, is the carelessest of them all. One feels for

him–that is but natural, and does us honor besides–yet one is vexed,

for all that. He could have written and asked about the aged Zonoras

before taking the house. He may not have had the address, but that is

nothing–any postman would know the aged Zonoras; a dead postman would

remember a name like that.

And yet, why throw a rag like this to us ravening wolves? Is it

seriously supposable that we will stop to chew it and let our prey

escape? No, we are getting to expect this kind of device, and to give it

merely a sniff for certainty’s sake and then walk around it and leave it

lying. Shelley was not after the aged Zonoras; he was pointed for

Cornelia and the Italian lessons, for his warm nature was craving



The year 1813 is just ended now, and we step into 1814.

To recapitulate, how much of Cornelia’s society has Shelley had, thus

far? Portions of August and September, and four days of July. That is

to say, he has had opportunity to enjoy it, more or less, during that

brief period. Did he want some more of it? We must fall back upon

history, and then go to conjecturing.

“In the early part of the year 1814, Shelley was a frequent

visitor at Bracknell.”

“Frequent” is a cautious word, in this author’s mouth; the very

cautiousness of it, the vagueness of it, provokes suspicion; it makes one

suspect that this frequency was more frequent than the mere common

everyday kinds of frequency which one is in the habit of averaging up

with the unassuming term “frequent.” I think so because they fixed up a

bedroom for him in the Boinville house. One doesn’t need a bedroom if

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Categories: Twain, Mark