In Defence of Harriet Shelley by Mark Twain

the only kind and gentle Harriet’s place in March it would have been a

thrilling spectacle to see her invade the Boinville rookery and read the

riot act. That holiday of Shelley’s would have been of short duration,

and Cornelia’s hair would have been as gray as her mother’s when the

services were over.

Hogg went to the Godwin residence in Skinner Street with Shelley on that

8th of June. They passed through Godwin’s little debt-factory of a book-

shop and went up-stairs hunting for the proprietor. Nobody there.

Shelley strode about the room impatiently, making its crazy floor quake

under him. Then a door “was partially and softly opened. A thrilling

voice called ‘Shelley!’ A thrilling voice answered, ‘Mary!’ And he

darted out of the room like an arrow from the bow of the far-shooting

King. A very young female, fair and fair-haired, pale, indeed, and with

a piercing look, wearing a frock of tartan, an unusual dress in London at

that time, had called him out of the room.”

This is Mary Godwin, as described by Hogg. The thrill of the voices

shows that the love of Shelley and Mary was already upward of a fortnight

old; therefore it had been born within the month of May–born while

Harriet was still trying to get her poem by heart, we think. I must not

be asked how I know so much about that thrill; it is my secret. The

biographer and I have private ways of finding out things when it is

necessary to find them out and the customary methods fail.

Shelley left London that day, and was gone ten days. The biographer

conjectures that he spent this interval with Harriet in Bath. It would

be just like him. To the end of his days he liked to be in love with two

women at once. He was more in love with Miss Hitchener when he married

Harriet than he was with Harriet, and told the lady so with simple and

unostentatious candor. He was more in love with Cornelia than he was

with Harriet in the end of 1813 and the beginning of 1814, yet he

supplied both of them with love poems of an equal temperature meantime;

he loved Mary and Harriet in June, and while getting ready to run off

with the one, it is conjectured that he put in his odd time trying to get

reconciled to the other; by-and-by, while still in love with Mary, he

will make love to her half-sister by marriage, adoption, and the

visitation of God, through the medium of clandestine letters, and she

will answer with letters that are for no eye but his own.

When Shelley encountered Mary Godwin he was looking around for another

paradise. He had, tastes of his own, and there were features about the

Godwin establishment that strongly recommended it. Godwin was an

advanced thinker and an able writer. One of his romances is still read,

but his philosophical works, once so esteemed, are out of vogue now;

their authority was already declining when Shelley made his acquaintance

–that is, it was declining with the public, but not with Shelley. They

had been his moral and political Bible, and they were that yet. Shelley

the infidel would himself have claimed to be less a work of God than a

work of Godwin. Godwin’s philosophies had formed his mind and interwoven

themselves into it and become a part of its texture; he regarded himself

as Godwin’s spiritual son. Godwin was not without self-appreciation;

indeed, it may be conjectured that from his point of view the last

syllable of his name was surplusage. He lived serene in his lofty world

of philosophy, far above the mean interests that absorbed smaller men,

and only came down to the ground at intervals to pass the hat for alms to

pay his debts with, and insult the man that relieved him. Several of his

principles were out of the ordinary. For example, he was opposed to

marriage. He was not aware that his preachings from this text were but

theory and wind; he supposed he was in earnest in imploring people to

live together without marrying, until Shelley furnished him a working

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Categories: Twain, Mark