Lord Harry by Catherine Coulter

When she received her sister’s plea a few days later to attend her in Kent, she gazed up at an innocently smiling Henrietta. Miss Worthington was torn, not knowing precisely where her duty lay. Although Henrietta very prettily begged her to remain, she did hasten to say that she, of all people, well understood one’s feelings toward one’s own dear family.

Miss Drusilla Worthington departed London two days later with the happy conviction that she had performed her duty by Henrietta. She never realized that Henrietta was fairly itching for her to be gone.

Three days after Miss Worthington’s departure, Lord Harry Monteith made his first appearance in London.

Chapter Four

“Thompson Street will suit us just fine, Pottson. It’s just a short distance from St. James, so we needn’t worry about the expense of hackneys. How much did you say the furnished rooms would cost by the quarter?”

Pottson grunted a price that he secretly hoped would put an end once and for all to Miss Hetty’s mad scheme. He was doomed to disappointment, for Miss Hetty beamed at him. He supposed that he really shouldn’t be surprised at anything Miss Hetty proposed now, though he had thought himself entered into bedlam, when, but three days before, she had summoned him back to Grosvenor Square and poured her idea into his ear.

She said now, clapping him on his thin shoulders, “Of course, we must now see to my clothes, and, to be sure, set aside enough money to secure my debut into the fashionable world. Thank heavens that Damien saw to my education in piquet and faro. I vow that with any luck at all at the gaming tables, we will live in a most sumptuous manner.”

“Ah, Miss, it’s a crazy scheme. You just ain’t a man and no soul in his right or left mind would ever believe you to be one.” He tried to add punch to his words by critically eyeing her from breasts to hips.

She merely laughed. “Stop worrying. I have ideas on that score. I have made out a list of my measurements and colors of breeches, waistcoats, and coats that I would like. The gentlemen’s current whim toward those tight-knitted pantaloons are, unfortunately, out of the question. I have no desire to tempt fate.”

“Say we can dish you up to play the young gentleman. You still must approach the Marquess of Oberlon. From what I hear, he’s a powerful gentleman and an acclaimed sportsman. You tell me that you will have your revenge on him for your brother but how, Miss Hetty? How?”

Hetty’s eyes clouded. “Didn’t I tell you, Pottson? Besides teaching me gaming, Damien also saw to it that I was a crack shot. As to fencing, I admit to needing lessons. I have been making discreet inquiries myself, you know, and will begin fencing lessons with a Signore Bertioli very shortly. However, it is my plan to face down the marquess with pistols.”

Pottson felt his grizzled hair grizzle even more. He tugged on it. He wanted to curse, but he couldn’t, not in front of a lady who would soon be a man. But he couldn’t keep quiet, he had to make one last try. “Oh gawd, this is pure nonsense, Miss Hetty. You can’t go aping gentlemen’s ways. It’s against God and Nature. It’s against everything I can even contrive to think of. It’s probably even against the law.”

“Come on, Pottson, it’s far too late for you to be carrying on with these nonsensical arguments. My mind is quite made up. Either you help me, or I shall simply find someone else.” She spoke with more confidence than she felt. When Pottson nodded finally, she wanted to shout with relief.

“I’d like you to tell me one thing, Miss Hetty. Master Damien, like I told you, was always a proper gentleman, treating ladies just as he ought. Why would he teach his own sister such unladylike activities?”

She laughed. “He was bored, Pottson. Perhaps, too, he felt a trifle sorry for me, for Mother had just died and Sir Archibald had returned to London to carry on his never-ending battle against the Whigs. He was recovering from a wound, as I recall. He said I was an apt pupil.”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter