Lord Harry by Catherine Coulter

This bit of information produced a groan from Pottson and more sweat.

Lord Harry smiled his cold smile and patted his valet’s arm. “There can be no going back, Pottson. Finally, the plot thickens. Remember what Damien used to say: Many a battle was lost because the generals were scurrying the other way. I shall soon have the first close look at our enemy, at least I pray I will.”

“I never knew what Master Damien meant when he said that,” Pottson said. “I still don’t, but that isn’t important. Now listen to me, you take care.” He wanted to say more, but he knew it wouldn’t do any good. Lord Harry was set on a course that was too late to be changed.

Lord Harry waved a negligent hand and sauntered from the room with a swagger of a young gentleman bent on an evening’s pleasure.

It wasn’t long after Lord Harry had entered the hired hackney with Sir Harry and Mr. Scuddimore that his gay mood dimmed, his thoughts returning to Lord Oberlon. He just wanted to see the man’s face. He knew he’d see the guilt in his eyes, he just knew it.

“Never seen you so sunk into silence before, Lord Harry,” Mr. Scuddimore said, eyeing his friend in the dim light. “What the devil ails you?”

Lord Harry brought his thoughts back from Lord Oberlon and said, “Not a thing, Scuddy. I was just thinking about the first time I came to London not above four months ago, you know. Unlike you and Harry here, I’m not yet jaded by all the marvels.”

Sir Harry Brandon tapped his cane on Lord Harry’s knee. “Knowing you, it’s probably female marvels that haven’t yet jaded you. But you were quiet and we don’t like it. It won’t do for you to get the reputation of being a dead bore. It’ll make people believe you think too much and that won’t ever do. You’d be out of favor in a fortnight.” He sat back against the soft swabs and took in his friend’s appearance, his blue eyes narrowing with distaste.

“Really, Lord Harry, you must allow us to go with you to Weston’s. Pottson’s a good valet, but it’s naught he can do if you don’t give him the proper-fitting clothes to work with. I am shocked that any of Weston’s fellows would make a coat that hangs off the shoulders in such a way. As for the seat of your trousers, there’s room in there for another small fellow’s butt.”

Mr. Scuddimore laughed aloud. Sir Harry was offended. “Bedamned to you, Scuddy. I just gave him some excellent advice. Why, Lord Harry here ”

Mr. Scuddimore only laughed more, then hiccupped. Lord Harry thumped him hard between his shoulder blades. When he caught his breath, Scuddy said, “No offense, Harry, it’s just that I still can’t get used to you being plain Sir Harry and Harry being Lord Harry. It’s damned amusing.”

Sir Harry said in the tone of one instructing a slow, yet good-natured child, “Scuddy, I’ve told you several times how it must be. I’m a mere baronet and Lord Harry here is the son of a Scottish laird something outlandish like that. In any case, the both of us can’t be Harrys damned confusing that would be. Since Lord Harry is of higher rank, it’s only right that he be the lord and I simply a sir. I know you aren’t always strong in your mental workings, Scuddy, but I swear, if you bring this up one more time, I’ll take you out to the Hounslow Heath and put a bullet through your toe.”

“You won’t shoot me in the toe, Harry. I’m a better shot than you.”

“Ha, the devil you are. Why I”

“He’s right, Harry,” Lord Harry said with a wide grin, displaying even white teeth. “He is the better shot. Now about this Lord Harry and plain Sir Harry business, it is strange, but I think we’ve solved the problem rather neatly. After all, I didn’t want to be called Sir Buttris, after my father. Now, about that other fellow’s butt in my trousers, let me tell you that you can line up the possible candidates and I’ll pick one.”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter