Lord Harry by Catherine Coulter

“Open your mouth, love,” he said, his breath warm on her lips. Even as she parted her lips, she felt the warmth of his breath inside her mouth, the touch of his tongue. “Oh,” she said, and just stood there, holding him tightly to her, feeling all of him, letting him kiss her and kiss her yet again until her eyes were closed, her mouth soft and wet from him, and he was hard against her belly.

“Hetty, I must stop,” he said, and his voice sounded wonderfully tormented. He didn’t want to stop, she realized, and she didn’t want him to. It was new, all these feelings that were raging through her, making her urgent and warm and wanting to grin like a fool, making her want to moan with the pleasure of his mouth, the pleasure of him holding her, the pleasure of having him just be him.

“Please, don’t,” she said. “This is so very nice, Jason. Can’t we have a bit more?”

He wanted to curse. She didn’t realize, she had no idea what she was asking of him, but he”All right,” he said, and his hands were all over her, caressing her breasts through the muslin of her bodice, wild on her bottom, pushing her hard against him, pressing her, feeling her and knowing she was enjoying all of it and wanting more. He looked at the sofa. He looked at the Aubusson carpet in front of the fireplace. Even the winged chair was good sized. Oh hell, she was a virgin. He had no intention of teaching her about lovemaking on a damned carpet. Then he smiled. Why not? Very gently, he eased her onto his lap and sat in the winged chair that faced the fireplace. He kissed her, never stopping, and his hand eased up beneath her gown. He felt her stockings, felt the garters at midthigh. He felt her breath hitch when his hand touched her bare thigh. “Ah, Hetty, you’re so warm. Do you want me to stop, sweetheart?”

She looked up at him. “What are you going to do?”

He eased his fingers higher, so close, so very close to her warm female flesh. He paused. “I want to make love to you but you’re a virgin. When we make love it will be on our wedding night and in a very large soft bed. But for now, I just want to give you pleasure. Will you let me? Will you trust me?”

“What are you going to do?”

His fingers lifted then came down gently over her. He cupped her, his fingers dipping inward.

“Oh,” she said, staring up at him. “No one has ever touched me there before. Are you certain it’s done?”

“All the time,” he said as he leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. “You’ll like it very much. Will you trust me to give you pleasure, to let you know that I want you very much and that what you feel is important to me?”

She felt those fingers of his, one of them easing slowly inside her and she couldn’t believe it, yet, as Lord Harry she did know just about everything, but still, she didn’t know about this. Then another finger was touching her, lightly stroking, lightly, then more forcefully and she blinked even as she moaned deep in her throat and her hips pressed up against those fingers of his.

“Jason, I don’t know about this. I don’t really feel all that normal.”

“Hush,” he said and leaned down to kiss her. His tongue touched hers even as his finger was moving more deeply inside of her. His thumb was now caressing her and she couldn’t believe what it made her feel, what it made her want to do, and that was to cry out and move and jerk about and go into an absolute frenzy.

She did several minutes later. She cried out into his mouth even as the incredible climax sent her spinning into an oblivion that held him and her together and it was something she couldn’t have imagined. It was something she wanted forever.

“I love you,” he said into her mouth as the rhythm of his fingers gently slowed, as he stroked to calm her rather than excite her. “Yes, that’s it. I’ll make you feel those wonderful things every day of your life. All right?”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter