Lord Harry by Catherine Coulter

“I just might do that,” the earl said easily, looking closely at Hetty.

When at last Hetty rose and took the countess’s hand in hers, she said simply, “Harry is an excellent friend, my lady. He has the sunniest of tempers.”

Sir Harry turned to his brother-in-law. “Now don’t forget, Julien, to take care of Lord Harry’s membership this afternoon. We’ve a wonderful celebration planned for this evening.”

“That’s a frightening thought,” the earl said. “Both of you rest assured I shall do what I’ve promised. Take care, Monteith. No doubt I shall see you at White’s.”

“Thank you, my lord, for your kindness,” Hetty said, bowing formally to the earl.

Late that same evening as the earl and countess of March lay close together in their bed, Kate nuzzled her cheek against her husband’s neck and whispered, “Now, my lord, will you allow me to continue with our fencing lessons? You must admit that it is no more strenuous than our lovemaking.”

The earl shifted so he could look into his wife’s vivid green eyes. “You think so, do you? You have your way with me, allowing me only to lie here whilst you enjoy my man’s body, then you claim this to be strenuous. If you would know the truth, this is much more like riding than fencing.”

“What a vulgar thing to say. Ah, very well, I suppose that perhaps I shouldn’t fence with all that much vigor for a while yet. At least until the babe is born.”

“I appreciate your compromise. Now, tell me what you think of Harry’s new friend.”

The countess pondered a moment then said slowly, “I think he is somewhat different from Harry’s usual friends. He seems sober and quite mature for his years. You know, Julien and do not tease me but at first I thought him to be a rather effeminate young man, for he is quite a pretty fellow. But after listening to his calm good sense, watching him handle Harry quite expertly, I must own that I like him.”

“Regardless of the fact that Lord Monteith is a pretty fellow, he has already gained something of a reputation for being a young rakehell.”

“No, Julien, you cannot mean it. Lord Monteith? Why he is modest and kind and soft spoken and”

“Harry was quick to inform me that Monteith has already installed a mistress here in town. The story goes that he found her in Lady Buxtell’s establishment, plucked her out and set her up the first night he was with her.”

“Having a mistress doesn’t necessarily make him a rakehell. He isn’t yet married. After all, my love, you had a string of mistresses in keeping before we met.”

“Well, no matter,” the earl said quickly, not wanting to fall into that quagmire. “In any case, I have seen to the young man’s membership at White’s. I don’t doubt that he and Harry have already registered Lord Monteith’s name in Henry’s famous book. I find young Monteith most interesting. Now that he is a member of White’s, I can more easily follow what I believe will be an interesting career. Now, my dear, enough of both Harrys.”

Chapter Eleven

Both Harrys and Mr. Scuddimore were seated at that moment in the small dining room at White’s, toasting one another from a seemingly endless supply of champagne bottles.

“Keep the best coming,” Sir Harry said to a harried waiter, turning a wide grin on Lord Harry. “Damned fine banquet, Lord Harry. Ah, yes, another toast.”

Hetty thought of the price of this orgy of food and drink, and blanched. She knew she must keep a close watch on her purse strings, just on the off chance that Sir Archibald might inadvertently speak to his man of business. There wasn’t all that high a chance of this happening, but still A game of piquet or faro would be just the thing to cover the cost of her celebration.

Sir Harry, seven glasses of champagne swirling about in his belly, said happily, “Now that Lord Harry is officially one of us I think it’s only fair he tell us where he’s hidden his little ladybird.”

“I will say only that she is quite well and, naturally, supremely happy.” Hetty silently toasted the absent Mavreen, praying that what she said was indeed true.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter