Lord Harry by Catherine Coulter

“You’ve just leveled me. Please stop it. Now, listen. You’ve done right in telling me. Would Lord Harry be much insulted if I took some direct action at this point? I think Gretna Green a most extreme measure. Surely it isn’t necessary. It could severely hurt Isabella’s reputation.”

“What would you do that I can’t do?”

“Don’t be stupid, Hetty. First of all, I have no intention of allowing you to race off to Scotland with that ridiculous couple. I told you that Sir William holds me in healthy fear. In no less respect would he hold the earl of March, when and if Julien decided to involve himself in the matter. Will you allow me to see to the affair in my own way, without Lord Harry’s colorful interference?”

“I think Lord Harry would much enjoy putting Sir William’s nose out of joint. To have to forego such excitement is asking a lot of him, Jason. Perhaps it’s simply too much. Perhaps you’d best convince me.”

“Hetty,” he said, his dark eyes becoming even darker. She liked those dark eyes of his, so deep and menacing. She said aloud, “Gothic, that’s what you are, quite gothic. Not that it’s bad of course. I shall have to watch you when it comes to our daughters. Oh, all right, I suppose it’s only fair that you be given your chance. Lord Harry, shall, of course, closely watch your progress and decide in due course whether or not he’ll be needed.”

“Thank you for your vote of confidence. I shall return later this afternoon. You will have your note from Harry by then?”

“Yes, as I said, he means to try his luck this morning. If Isabella turns him down, I will begin to think she has butterflies in her head, if, that is, Harry doesn’t botch it, which is a strong possibility.”

“She’s lovely, she appears sweet-natured and the two of them should suit just fine. And look at us, just the opposite from those two. Just look at what I’m voluntarily seeking to have for the rest of my blighted days. Well, there is no accounting for taste and I suppose it will always be true.” He grinned. “Did I tell you that you’re a complete sweetheart? Of course I did. Now, to other matters before I haul you up to your bedchamber and do wonderful things to your body. Lord, now I’m making myself sweat. Stop looking at me like that, Hetty.” He drew a deep breath. “I would see your brother’s letter now, if you would fetch it to me.”

Hetty nodded and whisked herself out of the drawing room, though in truth she truly liked the sound of unspeakable things he would do to her. She was back in a trice, clutching the folded square of paper tightly in her hand.

“Hmmm,” was all that he said after his third reading of Elizabeth’s letter to Damien.

“What do you think, Jason?”

He said slowly, “It would seem to me that regardless of Elizabeth’s true feelings in the matter, Damien was sufficiently involved with her to make his keeping of her letter understandable. The manner in which she tied my name to her predicament is rather ambiguous, yet, Hetty, I now understand how you drew such a conclusion.”

“You’re just trying to make me feel better. No, it was inexcusable. I won’t ever forgive myself for serving you such a false turn, I’ll”

He dropped the letter onto the side table, rose and was at her side in a moment. He lifted her from the chair and pulled her closely to him. He felt the pounding of her heart against his chest. He felt the softness of her, the warmth, the utter surrender of her, her yielding to him, and he knew deep down that she was the only woman for him, and he was so damned bloody lucky to have found her, or, actually, she had found him, but it didn’t matter, they were together now and they would be forever. God, he wanted her.

“I love you,” he said against her mouth. “I love you and I’m the luckiest man alive to have Henrietta Rolland. You did nothing wrong. You acted, Hetty. Most women wouldn’t have acted. Most men wouldn’t have either. You did what you believed was right, with no thought to your own safety. I love you. Forget the rest of it. Together we’ll figure this all out. All right? Do I feel to you like I’m holding you any grudge?”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter