Lord Harry by Catherine Coulter

“I do wonder what lies beneath that white peruke,” the black domino continued in the same cold officious voice. “No doubt it covers an empty and foolish head. Leave go of the lady now, else I shall personally tip you over the balcony into the lovely fish pond just below.”

Louis XIV’s hand loosened slightly on Hetty’s wrist, and in his moment of uncertainty, she wrenched her hand away and moved back toward the black domino. Her anger with the man was now turning to amusement. She just shook her head at him. “Sir, this scene is becoming boring, indeed it is past boring. Please, just go now. Doubtless you will find a lady who has imbibed enough punch to find you quite acceptable. However, I do not.”

“Then I’ll give you all the punch you will need,” Louis XIV said eagerly.

“It would take two casks before you would be acceptable to me,” she said, and rolled her eyes when he looked thoughtful. “Three casks, at least,” she added. She knew the man in the domino was grinning like a sinner. Louis XIV said to her rather than to the man, “Three casks? You aren’t worth it. You’re probably very young. I won’t be your protector. I don’t want you. This damned wastrel can have you.”

“Why, thank you, Your Majesty.”

Hetty watched her erstwhile partner turn drunkenly and disappear into the crowd.

She turned and smiled up into the face of her rescuer. “You have wit and a sense of fun. The poor man is just too drunk to mind his manners. But now he is gone.”

“You don’t act at all like a damsel in distress.”

“Well no, why should I? He was just a man like any other man. I’m glad I didn’t have to hurt him.”

“Could you tell me exactly how you would have hurt him? I have never before met a young lady so confident in herself. It is refreshing. Actually, I’m pleased you weren’t a real damsel in distress. It might have become tedious.”

“Ah, I’m pleased I didn’t bore you.”

“Oh, not at all. As a matter of fact, I think you begin to fascinate me. Tell me, what would you have done to our poor drunken Louis?”

There was something vaguely familiar in the black domino’s voice, in his tone, and teasing deep laughter that stirred just out of reach in her memory. Suddenly, she wasn’t quite certain that her rescuer was any less dangerous than the Louis XIV. She sensed that he was pushing her to be outrageous. Behind the anonymity of her mask and domino, she willingly obliged him. Why not? She would never see him again, indeed, she would never see him at all. She was quite safe to do and say anything she wanted to. “Why, sir, I dare say I would have kicked him below his yellow waistcoat. If he’d been too drunk to feel that, then I wouldn’t have been in any trouble at all, would I? Now, sir, that you have amused yourself at my expense, I believe I shall go search out some amusement for myself.”

She saw his dark eyes flash suddenly, but his deep voice still held laughter as he said, “What an unusual young lady you are. Do you wish to leave my company because I interfered with your fun, or is it because you fear that my intentions may be as low as those of our departed Louis XIV?”

“Your intentions can scrape the floor for all I care, sir. I really don’t care. And I’m not afraid of you.”

“That’s excellent. A wilting lady would be too much to bear. I dearly love to waltz. Surely you would not refuse to dance with the poor mortal who mistakenly thought to be chivalrous?”

“You’re unscrupulous. You’re also using wit rather than brawn. I shall reward you. Lead on.”

Hetty placed her hand in the crook of the black domino’s arm and allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor.

He slipped his hand lightly down about her waist and drew her into the circle of his arms. She responded readily to his lead and soon found herself being whirled in large, sweeping circles about the room. He quickened their pace suddenly, and she laughed aloud in excitement, tightening her hold on the black domino’s shoulder.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter