M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

Relaxing my jaws, I withdrew my head leaving the treat and his arm intact, and checked Nunzio’s situation again.

The larger Deveel was stretched out on the floor unconscious while Nunzio was holding the other by the lapels with one hand, leisurely slapping him forehand and backhand as he spoke.

“I oughtta turn you’se over to da authorities! A clumsy hijack like this could give our profession a bad name. Know what I mean? Are you listenin’ ta me? Now take your buddies and get outta here before I change my mind! And don’t come back until you find some decent help!”

I had to admit that Nunzio had a certain degree of style . . . for a human. If he had been fortunate enough to be born with a brain, he might have been a dragon.

While he was busy throwing the latest batch of attackers out the door, I decided to do a little investigating. After three attempts to relieve us of our prize, though Nunzio was only aware of one of them, I was beginning to grow a bit suspicious. Even for as crime-prone a lot as humans tend to be, three attempts in that close succession was unusual, and I wanted to know more about what it was we were guarding.

The cases still smelled of paper and ink, but that seemed an inadequate reason for the attention they had been drawing. As casually as I could, I swatted one of the cases with my tail, caving it in. Apparently I had not been casual enough, for the sound brought Nunzio sprinting to my side.

“Now what are you doin’? Look! You ruined . . . Hey! Wait a minute!”

He stooped and picked up one of the objects that had spilled from the case and examined it closely. I snaked my head around so I could look over his shoulder.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert