M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“But why? The owner stands to lose ten times as much if a union forms than he was dropping to embezzlement. We could make a real killing here. He already knows our work.”

In response, I lean back and give her a slow smile. “When it comes to makin’ a killin’, Bunny, I would advise you not to try to teach your grandmother, which in this case is me, how to steal sheep. Furthermore, there are times when it is wisest not to let the client know too much about your work . . . and trust me, Bunny, this is one such time!”

Chapter Two:

“It all hinges on your definition of ‘a good time’!”


. . .AN OUTSIDE AGITATOR and a union organizer! And to think I was paying him to slit my throat!!”

I somehow managed to keep a straight face, which was harder than it sounds.

“Actually, Mr. Bane, I was paying him to help uncover the source of your inventory leak, which he did, and you were paying him to work in your factory, which he also did. I’m not sure exactly what it is that you’re complaining about.”

For a moment I thought the Deveel was going to come across the desk at my throat.

“What I’m complaining about is that your so-called agent organized a union in my factory that’s costing me a bundle!”

“There’s no proof he was involved . . . .”

“So how come his name comes up every time….”

“… And even if he was, I’m not sure what concern it is of mine. I run a business, Mr. Bane, with employees, not slaves. What they do on their off hours is their affair, not mine.”

“But he was acting as your agent!!!”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert