M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

As I was say in’, though, the plant has lots of strange bein’s workin’ the line. The indignity of the situation, however, is that even though they got these extra arms and in some cases is doin’ the work of several worker types, they is gettin’ paid the same as anyone else. While to some this might seem unfair to the ones bein’ so exploited, I see it as a threat to the worker types with the usual count of arms and legs, as it will obviously save the company significant cost if they can hire as many of the former as possible, whilst layin’ off a disproportionate number of the latter.

Another inequality I observe concerns the security types which I have been unable to circumvent. Now this has been a source of curiosity to me since I first arrived at the plant, since it doesn’t take an accountin’ whiz to figure out that if the plant is payin’ the security types what they’re worth, their cost should be substantially more than would seem economically wise. I chance across the answer one time when I happen to eavesdrop on a couple off-duty lunchin’ security types who are gripin’ about their jobs. It seems that they are underpaid as much as us workin’ types, despite the fact that they are safeguardin’ stuff worth millions! While this is doubtlessly unfair, I do not include it in my notes because I have found that it is not only not unusual, but is actually customary for plants or societies to underpay their guardian types. I suppose that as bonkers as it seems, this is in actuality the way things should be. If guardian types made a decent wage, then criminal types like me would go into that line of work as it has better hours and better retirement benefits than the career path I am currently pursuin’, and if there was no crime there would be no need for guardian types and we would all end up unemployed. Viewin’ it that way, the status quo is probably for the best.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert