M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

Followin’ Bunny’s suggestion, I start out the next week by bracin’ the foreman to reassign me to work in the warehouse on inventory. At first he is reluctant as he does not like worker types tellin’ him his job, but after I point out to him how small the hospitalization benefits provided by the owner really are, he becomes far more reasonable.

All I have to do to give Bunny the support she requests is to double-check the materials comin’ into the plant, and send her an extra copy of each day’s tally in the inter-office mail. This pleases me immensely, as it is not only easy work, it also gives me substantial amounts of free time with which I can pursue a project of my own.

You see, I am still more than a little steamed over the hatchet job which was performed upon my paycheck. I therefore take it upon myself to commence conductin’ my own unofficial survey as to workin’ conditions around the plant, and since my eye has the benefit of business school trainin’, which most of the workin’ types have not bothered with, it becomes rapidly apparent that the situational stinks worse than the Doggie Doodle did.

Just as an example, the plant has made a practice of hirin’ all sorts of bein’s, many of which is extremely difficult to describe without gettin’ vulgar. Now this is not surprisin’ considerin’ the Bazaar is the main source for their recruitin’, but it makes for some teeth-grindin’ inequalities in the pay scales.

Before the wrong idea is given, let me elucidate for a moment on the point of view I am comin’ from. I personally don’t care much who or what is workin’ next to me as long as they can carry their share of the job. You will notice I have not even mentioned that Roxie is bright orange and Sion is mauve, as I feel this has nothin’ to do with my assessment of their personalities or their abilities. I will admit to bein’ a little uneasy around bein’s what got more arms or legs than I do, but this is more a professional reaction, since should the occasion arise that we might have a difference of opinion, my fightin’ style is intended for opposition what can throw the same number of punches and kicks per side as I can, and a few extra fists can make a big difference. But, as I say, this is more a professional wariness than any judgment on their overall worth as bein’s. I only mention this on the off chance that some of my remarks about strange bein’s might be taken as bein’ pergerdous, a rap of which I have never been convicted. I am not that sort of person.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert