M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

You see, Skeeve’s most endearing trademark has always been that he cared for people . . . really cared. Whether it was his feeling for Garkin when his old teacher died, even though my colleague never really gave the Kid a fair shake as a student, or the lengths he went to to bolster Ajax’s sagging ego when the old Archer was doubting his own value in a fight, Skeeve has always had an unerring ability to see the good in people and act accordingly. That’s a lot of why I stuck around to work with him … as much to learn as to teach.

Lately, however, things seem to be changing. Ever since he has taken the slot as president of our corporation, Skeeve seems to be worrying more and more about business and less and less about people. The others may not have noticed it. Bunny and Tananda have been so busy trying to one-up each other they wouldn’t notice if a brass band marched through the room, and Chumley’s had his hands full just keeping them apart. Massha and the hoods are big on blind loyalty. They’d probably follow Skeeve right off a cliff without thinking twice or asking question one. Then again, they haven’t known him as long or as well as I have and may simply think his current behavior is normal. To me, however, it represents a major change.

This whole casino purchase thing is just one example. The Skeeve I’ve known would have insisted that Hysterium know all the facts before signing the contract, or at least given him a more generous price for his efforts. Instead, we were treated to a display of opportunism that would make a hardened Deveel haggler envious.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert