M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link By Robert Asprin

“Speakin’ a theories,” I said, “we got one that isn’t goin’ to work itself out without a lotta pushin’ from us.”

The vampire stretched his arms and yawned. “All right. I’ll take care of the disco and the architect if you can start checking into the casino and the shops. Okay?”

I had to admit I was a little taken aback by his enthusiasm.

“You mean right now? It’s pretty late.”

He showed me his fangs in a little grin. “For you, maybe. Us night people are just starting to wake up, which means it’s just the right time for me to start scouting around for a band and bar staff. Since we’re on different missions anyway, though, I’ve got no problem if you want to catch a few Z’s before you do your rounds. What say we meet here same time tomorrow for an update?”

Now, folks, I may strut a bit and loud-talk even more, but I’ll also be the first to admit that little Massha doesn’t know everythin’. One of the many things I know next ta nothin’ about is how ta run a casino. Considerin’ this, it was easy ta see I was goin’ ta require the services of an expert … in casinos, that is. It took me a while to locate him, but I finally ran my mark to ground. He was slouched at a back table in a dingy bar, and from the look of him things hadn’t been goin’ real good. I was glad ta see that … not that I wished him ill, mind you; it just made my sales pitch a little easier.

“Hiya, Geek,” I said, easin’ up to his table. “Mind if I join ya?”

He blinked his eyes a couple times tryin’ ta focus ‘em before he realized that the person talkin’ to him really was that big.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert