Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

He dragged the body sheath off finally and tossed it aside.

“Such a pity,” murmured Strasser. “All things considered. Tie her down.”

The sec man turned her and shoved her facedown toward the block, then pulled her

forward along it so that her breasts were squashed under her weight against the

rusty wood, her wrists thrust forward and shackled by the straps, her pelvis

jammed down just above the end of the table, on the lip, so that her legs

dangled over the side. Or at least would have dangled if she had only been

quiet. But she was kicking wildly, violently, the heel of one foot clubbing up

into the jaw of the guard who was trying to grab it. He yelled, clutched at his

mouth, tears of pain suddenly running down his face, blood spraying out from

between his lips. It looked as if he’d sunk his teeth into his tongue. Strasser

angrily gestured at the rear straps and the two guards sprang forward from the

front and controlled her, yanking her legs apart so that her buttocks

involuntarily arched, rising into the air, exposing the cleft between the legs.

The guards finished strapping her into position, and the guy who had been kicked

breathed hard, sniffing explosively, glaring at the twitching figure of the

young woman.

Okay, Ryan thought, whatever is going to happen I can’t let happen. Who she is,

what she is, none of this matters, none of it applies. It’s no good saying so

fucking what if she gets it, because I don’t mean it, and I wouldn’t mean it

even if it was someone else strapped to that bloody altar.

He took a step forward and instantly the guard beside the doorway swung his M-16

up, his finger tight on the trigger.

Strasser said, “Ah, Ryan,” as though meeting him casually on the street. “Yes?”

“Look, I dunno what all the fuss is about, Strasser. Sure I know her. She was on

the train. We picked her up: she was having trouble with some muties. Other than

that…” He shrugged.

Strasser said, “How interesting,” and turned away.

Ryan turned to glance at J.B. It seemed to him that J.B.’s face was blanker than

he’d ever seen it. He turned back. Only Strasser and Kelber were near the block

now. The guards, including the one with the blood-smeared mouth, were fanned out

around the room, rifle-ready. He could not have reached any of them before; now

it was the same situation in spades.

Pay your debts, said the Trader. Always pay your debts.

To repay the vast, the immense, debt he owed the Trader, Ryan often thought that

he would have to be in a position to give the Trader his life back, would have

needed to say to him, “You’re dying, for God’s sake. Probably some kind of rad

cancer that’s eating away your gut, your bones, everything. But something can be

done, and something’s gotta be done.” The Trader would have said, “Fuck it, I

ain’t going to no quack, Ryan,” and that would have been that. And now he was

spark-out in War Wag One, maybe slumped in a chair, maybe sprawled out on the

metal floor, and wholly at the mercy, whichever way you cut it, of Cort


And what did Ryan owe Krysty? He owed her his life. Simple as that. He could

suddenly feel the sticky’s slimy pads on his face, the immense sucking power

causing his cheeks to expand away from his own bones. Could actually feel it, a

tactile rerun, as though hundreds of tiny needles were stabbing and slashing

around inside his cheeks, his mouth, his jaw, a fierce agony that would not

cease until the flesh was ripped off of his skull leaving a scarlet ruin of

dripping bloody pulp.

He felt himself trembling. He leaned back against the wall. Sweat was oozing out

of his pores.

Strasser snapped his fingers. Kelber patted a breast pocket of his black jacket,

inserted a hand, fished out a small box. At the same time the guard by the upper

doorway turned and disappeared the steps to the floor above.

“Now pay attention, Ryan.”

Strasser took the box from Kelber and held it to his ear, shook it gently. What

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Categories: James Axler