Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

of their holes to grab what was left after the collapse.

It was true that the Nuke had not destroyed everything, and it was equally true

that somehow thousands had managed to make it through those long years when it

was said that the sun had died. From what the Trader had heard from that

generation, it was a time of horror and a time of terror, and in many ways it

had gotten worse when, especially in the East, the seasons had slowly begun to

return and people had started to drag themselves into the daylight of a new and

terrifyingly transformed world.

But having acknowledged his culpability in the matter of trading in the kind of

materials that might better have been left undiscovered, he nevertheless felt

that in some small way he had also been able to lift people back onto their feet

again by rediscovering creation. For in these strange and secret Stockpiles were

generators, survival equipment, processed food that could last for centuries if

necessary, tools, fuel, the means to learn, the means to expand, the means to

grow. All this, too, the Trader had hauled around the Deathlands, leaving

communities better equipped to battle with the ever-looming dark that still

threatened to overwhelm what was left.

And whereas before he’d been greedy, careless in his dealings, now he was more

scrupulous, more circumspect. Now there were things he discovered, then swiftly

reburied. He still broke out in a sweat when he recalled the time, five or six

years before, when Ryan and Dix had followed up a lead left by Marsh Folsom and

found, buried in the hills of what had once been a place called Kentucky, an

immense collection of sealed airtight drums, tens of thousands of them, all

neatly tabbed and docketed, all with that deadly and unmistakable symbol stamped

into their casings.

The juice they called nerve gas. Hundreds of thousands of liters of it.

The same kind of shit that had rained down during the Nuke, from both sides,

leaving an appalling legacy behind it, a legacy that still lingered and would

still linger for decades, maybe generations, far into the bleak future.

They’d closed down the cavern, the Trader and Ryan and Dix, buried the entrance

under a controlled landslip, destroyed all the paperwork that had led Marsh

Folsom into pinpointing the area as a Stockpile possibility in the first place,

and hoped for the best. It was all you could do, but it still gave the Trader

nightmares when he slept, still gave him the shakes when he awoke.

Because there was always the outside chance that some other guy might just fall

over it, even buried as it was…somehow, sometime. There was always that chance.

Some guy by no means as scrupulous, some guy who might well figure out a way

actually of using it, of bringing even more horror to a world already stuffed

with horror up to the gullet.

There were times when the Trader felt burdened with the immense weight of

secrets he had uncovered, the vast power he had but could not use, the huge

guilt load he— and he alone now that Marsh Folsom had gone—inescapably carried.

Sure, he had Ryan and Dix. The situation was tight with them as with no one else

he could think of. But they had only arrived in the past ten years. Less. They

had not been with him since the beginning, all those years ago. The weight they

carried was lighter by far than the tremendous and often crushing burden that

seemed at times ready to pulverize his soul.

And now the blood. That was a new and special weight on him because, apart from

anything else, it put a horizon to his life… a horizon that he was inevitably

getting closer to by the month. By the day.

By the hour.

He sucked at the cigar, took it out of his mouth, blew smoke into the air. His

head buzzed, his arms and legs felt as though they’d been fashioned out of lead.

He felt old. He felt he knew what it must be like to be 110.

He was only fifty-three.

“You okay?”

“Sure I’m okay. Can’t a feller take a crap once in a while?”

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Categories: James Axler