Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

dogs and wolves. Literally pulling them off.

When asked where he’d found the creature, Wolfram had zipped his lip, become

extremely edgy. Not long after, sticky sightings came in from all over. Soon

they became accepted; hell, a mutie was a mutie. Still, how they ate, for

instance, was just one of the many mysteries about them discussed by

Deathlanders with nothing else of importance to chew the fat over on an evening

when the chem clouds were low and it looked as if the acids were about ready to


Right now, however, the manner in which stickies ate held no interest for Ryan

at all. All he could think of, as he rolled desperately to one side, was the

incredible sucking power of those oozing pads lunging for his face.

He rolled so fast, so unthinkingly, that before he knew it he was on his back

and lying atop his rifle as the hand squelched down on the roof surface inches

from him.

That didn’t panic him. Already his right hand was at his belt, grabbing for the

hilt of the deadly panga sheathed there at his waist. Smoothly the blade came

out and just as smoothly, just as fast, he was rolling back to his original

position, the panga gripped tight then stabbing outward in a savage,

power-packed lunge. The blade thudded into the creature’s throat, just above the

clavicle, or what passed for a collarbone in the rubbery body. It jammed, which

was exactly what Ryan wanted.

Still holding the hilt of the wickedly sharp half sword, he jerked himself to

his knees. Two-handed, his muscles cording into cables along his arms, he tugged

at the wriggling, squealing creature. Brute force, it was the only answer. With

a sloppy, plopping sound one hand came loose from the war wag’s roof, then the

other. Ryan scrambled to his feet, heaved at the sticky, pulled him over the

metal rod, booted the creature in the side of the head.

The sticky was trying to grab for him, its squeal something like a butchered

hog’s, but unheard by anyone below because of the chatter of auto-fire. Ryan

used all his strength to slam the creature down on the roof. He smashed his boot

onto its chest and tugged at the blade. Dark red ichor was squeezing out of the

rubbery folds of its flesh, and the panga came out soggily. Ryan danced backward

as the beast fluted its fury, its wide blank eyes red rimmed. It sprang at him.

Ryan swung the panga two-fisted, felt it bite satisfyingly into oleaginous

flesh, watched grimly as the head flew off like a kicked ball, sailing away into

the surrounding gloom.

The torso sagged on suddenly limp legs. It collapsed sideways and rolled across

the roof before finally slumping against the rail.

Ryan turned to jump back from the roof gully and cursed savagely. More stickies

were hauling themselves up and over the other side of the war wag’s roof. A

brief glance at his right showed shadowy forms crowding onto the nearest trucks

in fluid, rippling waves, arm over arm, seemingly inexorably.

Hooley, in the gully, was already throwing up his rifle, and flame was stabbing

from it in short bursts. A stammer of fire from the ladder well told him that

Lint, too, had opened up.

Ryan scabbarded the panga, then unslung his own piece. No point in silent

killing now. He let rip a long jolting burst, left to right, at the bobbing line

of heads that had suddenly appeared to his right, over the rear end of the war

wag, watching dispassionately as they burst apart like so much rotten fruit.

Then he leaped for the gully as more squealing figures came over the side behind

him like an ugly tide.

He thought, this is going to be close. It flickered through his brain that no

way was he going to be able to make it to the hatch before he was overwhelmed by

the monsters.

He opened his mouth to scream at Lint, and then a vast, soaring gout of flame

fireballed high into the sky to his right and a tremendous cracking roar, half

deafening him. The shock wave of the explosion blew him over, sent him tumbling

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Categories: James Axler