Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

Teague wisely beat it, drifted northwest, landed up in Mocsin. It was ripe for a

takeover by someone, and he figured he fitted the bill.

Just about then he bumped into the Trader, who’d recently fallen across his

first Stockpile, together with his buddy Marsh Folsom, and had a raft of

factory-fresh fowling pieces and mucho ammo to match. Teague had no jack

whatsoever, but he did have an astounding stroke of luck. He came across a guy

who’d been mooching about in the hills to the southwest of Mocsin and discovered

seams of yellow in the rocks. Someone later figured out that the gold had been

uncovered by the last rippling tremors from the West Coast cataclysm, when Sov

“earthshaker” bombs and missiles back in the Nuke had carved out a new

coastline, taking out half of Washington state, Oregon and California, and the

whole of Baja, California. But such geological pedantry was of no interest to

Jordan Teague, who simply deep-sixed the sucker and grabbed his nuggets. With

these he bought a passel of 5.56 mm M-16A1s modified to handle the M-203 grenade

launcher, crates of mags, plus boxes—assorted—of 40 mm rounds for the grenade

launchers, including HE, frag and M-576 buck. Teague being Teague, he would have

liked to have had free what he had to pay for, and pay for highly. But even

then, word had gotten around that you didn’t fuck with the Trader, and in any

case Teague had the location of the strike—unwisely, the panhandler had made a

map—and it was more than likely that there was more where the first haul had

come from.

There was, indeed, as Teague discovered after he and an assorted bunch of

murderous trash had subdued Mocsin and set up there in style. In short order he

began to mine the yellow stuff and ship it out East. Slowly at first, but in the

past decade more and more successfully. Jordan Teague was now an exceedingly

rich man although, as Ryan knew damned well, as anyone knew, none of this wealth

had ever rubbed off on Mocsin.

All in all, a pretty inglorious and unedifying career that, did he but know it,

thought Ryan bleakly, was moving swiftly to its close.

Ryan still found it barely credible that Teague should end up like this. He

recalled what Fishmouth Charlie and said about Teague’s not knowing what the

goddamned time was these days. Damned right. He looked to be brain-blasted on

booze and happyweed, stuffed to the gullet and beyond with food. A gross

mountain of flab, fit for nothing but the boneyard.

Ryan almost felt sorry for him.


There were others in the room. Two women were whispering together at the foot of

the pyramid structure, sitting on the lowest step. One was naked, wide hipped

with pendulous breasts. Ryan judged her to be well on the other side of thirty.

The other was younger; oddly, she wore a top but no bottom, no skirt or pants.

They looked bored as they chewed the fat, dispirited. It occurred to Ryan that

trying to jolly Teague into raising his flagpole these days must be a full-time

occupation, and wearing on the nerves.

Slumped at Teague’s feet was a man, a strange and wild-looking guy, at this

distance elderly, though Ryan could not be sure. He looked to be medium height

though very thin. Sprawled as he was, it was difficult to tell exactly. He was

clad all in rusty black except for an off-white shirt. His hair was long and

lank and gray. Ryan couldn’t see his face clearly because the guy’s head was in

his hands. He seemed to be crying. Certainly his shoulders were shaking as

though he was in the grip of a fit of the ague, although no sounds came from

him. Could be he was laughing, but Ryan doubted it.

Hunaker whispered impatiently behind him, “C’mon, Ryan. Let’s hit ’em.”


His ears were only just beginning to adjust to the wheezy rumble of Teague’s

voice. He seemed to be talking to himself, with the odd sentence directed down

at the crazed old guy at his feet, who took no notice.

Suddenly Teague lashed out with his foot, the tip of his boot catching the old

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Categories: James Axler