Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

Instead she yelled, “Hey! There’s anyone up there, I wanna talk! Ryan’s got a

booby on him, ready to blow!”

Koll muttered, “It’s original.”

There was silence. Koll licked his lips, stared at the back of Hunaker’s head,

at the green hair cropped short and tight. He glanced at Samantha, locked eyes

with the black girl for a couple of seconds, raised an eyebrow. Sam leaned back

against the wall and clasped her hands together in front of her. Koll noticed

that she began twining her fingers restlessly. J.B. stared at the opposite wall.

As usual, it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

“Hey!” yelled Hunaker. “This is for real!”

More silence, then Samantha nodded and said, “Yeah, they’re coming.”

To Koll and the others there was more silence, then at last they heard bootsteps

ringing hollowly far off.

A voice shouted, “Shut the fuck up, bitch, or you get hurt bad!”

Shaking his head, Koll murmured, “Uninspired. We already know that.”

Hunaker said loudly, “I got something on Ryan. Strasser don’t know it.”

They could hear voices raised in argument, but there was no definition to the

sound. Then the ringing of boots came closer, two sets, clattering down the

concrete steps. Hunaker moved away from the bars. The sec man came nearer. The

man called Ferd was in front, and behind him the guy Krysty had kicked, who had

not had a wash and brush-up in the interim.

He was saying, “If there’s some kind of fuck-up and Strasser finds out we knew

about it all along he’ll have us eaten.”

Ferd said coldly, “You just be ready ta shoot the shit outta these monkeys. I

don’t trust ’em.”

The man with the red-smeared mouth cautiously peered into the cell from the

side. He gulped, moved around so he could get a better view, his eyes flickering

to the right and taking in the slumped figures on the floor. In the split second

he took in this part of the scene, he noted that although he could see both the

blond guy’s hands, he couldn’t see those of the man called Dix, who appeared to

be lying on them in a hunched kind of way. But this didn’t seem to be in any way

significant, so his gaze whipped back to where the green-haired young woman was

lounging against the wall, her head back, her eyes half closed, her lips parted.

She was breathing heavily. One hand held her shirt up and the man with the

bloody mouth could see her right breast. The other breast was half hidden

beneath the busy lips of the black girl who was leaning across her from the


The sec man swallowed again. Ferd shoved him aside and snapped, “Lemme see.” He,

too, stared in, but his face was darkening as he watched. He was marginally less

stupid than the man with the bloody mouth and tended not to take everything at

face value.

He snarled, “It’s crap. There’s something up.” He shouted, “Hey, you!”

Hunaker dropped her head, smiled sweetly and said, “I can’t hear you very well.

I’m wearing earplugs.”

This was so bizarre that Ferd’s mouth dropped open and he said, “I don’t…”

But that was all he did say that was understandable because a vicious cracking

blast drowned him out. For a microsecond the steel door was haloed in orange

flash fire before it erupted outward, slamming the two men back as it bowled

across the passageway, clanging against the opposite wall. The man with the red

mouth was punched against the wall, the back of his head cracking open like an

egg, his brains spilling out like yolk down the concrete. The man called Ferd

was dead already, the steel door having pulverized his face into a scarlet pulp

as it smashed into him, and such was the force of the blast that he sailed

backward with the door as though he were glued to it. His skull, too, hammered

against the wall and fractured-at the top, so that blood and brain fluid

geysered in a pinkish spout. Bones in both men’s bodies split and shattered as

they were hurled against the concrete. The door banged down onto the floor, half

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Categories: James Axler