Pilgrimage to Hell By JACK ADRIAN

Strasser stood and stared down with a cold smile on his face.

“The maiden,” he said softly. “You always get it wrong, Doc. The maiden implores

the lone traveler—not to put his head on her breast, but his hand.”

The man called Doc blinked up at him, still clasping his knee with one hand, a

puzzled expression creasing his face.

“Are… are you sure, Mr. Strasser?”

“Positive! The maiden wants the lone traveler to squeeze her breast. Both

breasts, in fact. With both hands. She is yearning for this, you old fool. Her

entire body is quivering with lust for him. She tells him that she is wet for

him, that only his lips, his tongue, can assuage her desire.” He paused, pursed

his lips thoughtfully. He said quite pleasantly, “You do remember this, don’t

you, Doc?”

“Why, yes…yes.” The man on the floor swallowed a couple of times, licking his

thin lips again, his brow corrugating into a frown. “Yes, I…I do believe you’re

right, Mr. Strasser. Curious that I should forget Longfellow’s immortal lines.

So stupid of me…”


“Indeed,” the man replied, gulping. “Pathetic. Indeed, sir.”

“We shall still have to put you in with the sows, Doc.”

The man on the floor began swallowing hard. It was clear he was on the verge of


“Please, not that again, don’t make me do that again, I implore…” The words came

out in a ghastly, whining torrent.

“We shall have to strip you, Doc, and throw you in with the sows. Only when

you’ve done your duty will you be allowed to leave.”

Suddenly tears were streaming down the man’s face, and his body shuddered

convulsively. He began to bang his head on the floor, great choking sobs racking

him. He had released his knee and now started beating his clenched fists against

the floor in time with his head. He began to howl.

Strasser turned from him, his gaunt face masklike. He snapped his fingers once

and two men emerged from the shadows. They bent over the man called Doc and

picked him up as though he were garbage.

Strasser said, “Take him to the pigpens. You know what to do.”

They dragged him, screaming and howling and kicking, into the darkness.

Strasser watched them go, watched them disappear from sight, heard a door open,

clang shut. He turned and stepped from the light into the gloom.

Chapter Seven

JUNKED CARS LINED THE ROUTE into town: rotting, rusting, gutted hulks stripped

of every mechanical and non-mechanical item that might be of the slightest use

to anyone, fit for nothing but the scrapyard. To Ryan, driving his buggy, his

one eye nervously scanning left to right as he lightly gripped the wheel with

black-gloved hands, the whole ville seemed like a scrapyard. A gigantic,

sprawling and malodorous scrapyard.

Piles of refuse edged into the road, narrowing the way. It would be difficult

for two buggies to pass each other without hitting old crates and boxes and

rotting garbage in and out of bags; it would be impossible for two land wags.

The buggy went slowly. It was necessary. They passed a narrow street that had

clearly been abandoned forever. Garbage filled it from side to side to maybe

second-story level and probably from end to end, as well. A street of garbage.

Hunaker, who was manning the forward M-60, muttered, “This is nukehell.” She

stared at the street as they cruised by.

She said to Ryan, “There was a rumor Mocsin was sliding, but it looks to me like

it’s running out of control.”

Ryan reached down with his left hand, felt the reassuring bullpup shape of the

LAPA 5.56 mm he’d picked out of the war wag’s armory before leaving the Trader

and the rest of the convoy on the edge of town. It was thirty inches of compact

firepower with a 55-capacity stick mag. They’d found four crates of these in a

Stockpile they’d discovered in the foothills of the Ozarks. That had been a very

hairy mission: the indigenous population had been distinctly unfriendly, kept to

themselves, seemed to be not at all interested in trading of any kind but only

in killing anyone who entered their enclave. They’d also found three more crates

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Categories: James Axler