Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

I know how you like your paints mixed, your brushes cleaned, and even

how to prepare wood or canvas for portraits.” His pathetic stance could

have persuaded almost anyone.

lantine chuckled and ruffled the boy’s thick black hair. And what

would your father do?” Him? He’s winding himself up for Threadfall.” A

discreet question to Tisha had produced the information that a bronze

rider, C’lim, was the boy’s father; the mother had died shortly after

Leopol’s birth. But he, like every other child of the Weyr. had become

everyone’s child, loved and disciplined as the need arose. He doesn’t

half pay attention to me any more.

Which was fair, lantine thought, since Leopol had become his shadow.

Tisha?” Her? She’ll find someone else to mother.” Well, I will ask,

but I doubt you’d be allowed. The other riders think you’ll Impress a

bronze when you’re old enough.

Leopol tossed off that future with a shrug. What he could do now was

more important than what might be three or four years in the future.

D’you have to go?” Yes, I have to go. I’m in grave danger of

overstaying my welcome here.” No, you’re not,’ and Leopol looked

significantly towards the lake where the weyrlings were having their

customary bath. And you haven’t drawn all the riders yet.

Be that as it may, Leo, I’m due at Benden to do the Holders, and that’s

a commission I’ve been owing since I started my training at Hall

Domaize. When you do those, will you come straight back? You haven’t

done Chalkin’s face like he really is, you know, and it isn’t as if you

were doing anyone else out of a place to sleep.” Leopol’s face was

completely contorted now by his dismay. Debera really wants you to

stay, you know.” lantine shot him an almost angry look. Leopol?” he

said warningly.

Aw,’ and the boy screwed his boot toe into the dirt, everyone knows

you fancy her, and the girls say that she’s gone on you. It’s only

Morath who’s the problem. And she doesn’t have to be. Soon as she can

fly, she’ll have a weyr and you’ll have some privacy.

Privacy?” lantine knew that Leopol was precocious but.

Leopol cocked his head and had the grace not to grin.

Weyrs’re like that. Everyone knows everyone else’s secrets.” lantine

hung amid irritation to relief in the information about Debera and

amusement that his carefully hidden interest was so transparent.

He had never thought about loving someone so much that their absence

could cause physical discomfort. He never thought he would spend

sleepless hours reviewing even the briefest of conversations; identify a

certain voice in a crowded cavern; have to rub out sketches of imagined

meetings and poses which his fingers did of their own accord.

He kept close guard on his sketch-pads because there were far too many

of Debera – and the ever-present Morath. Morath liked him, too. He

knew that because she’d told him she did.

That, actually, had been the first encouraging sign he’d had.

He had tried, adroitly, to figure out how significant that might be, as

far as Debera’s awareness of him was concerned. He’d ask while he was

sketching a rider, as if he was only politely enquiring about what was

closest to his model’s heart anyway.

It appeared that a dragon could talk to an yon she/ he wished to.

They did so for reasons of their own, which sometimes they did not

discuss with their riders. Or they did. None of the other weyrlings,

even the greens with whom lantine was now quite familiar, spoke to him.

It was Morath who counted.

Not that the green dragon – who was the largest of that colour from that

clutch – ever explained herself. Nor did lantine ask.

He merely treasured the immense compliment of her conversation.

She did ask to see his sketch-pad once. He noticed the phenomenon of

the pad reflected in every one of the many facets of her eyes.

They’d been bluey-green at the time, their normal shade, and whirling


Do you see anything?” Yes. Shapes. You put the shapes on the pad with

the thing in your hand?

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne