Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

Debera for the rest of the concert.

He didn’t pay such close attention to the second and third parts of the

Landing Suite’, which brought events up to the present. A cynical

section of his mind noticed that Chalkin’s impeachment was not

mentioned, but then it was a very recent incident which the composer and

lyricist would not have known about. He wondered would it ever make

history? Chalkin would love it. Which might well be why no-one would

include him. That’d be the final punishment anonymity.

Dinner was announced at the conclusion of the Suite’, and the big Lower

Cavern was efficiently reorganized for dining.

In the scurry and fuss of setting up tables and chairs, he got separated

from Debera. The panic which that caused him made it extremely clear

that he could not divorce his emotions from the girl.

When they found each other again, her hand went out to him as quickly as

his to her, and they remained clasped while they waited in line to

collect their food.

lantine and Debera finally found seats at one of the long trestle tables

where everyone was discussing the music, the singers, the orchestration,

how lucky they were to be in a Weyr which got preferential treatment.

There was, of course, a tradition of music on Pern, brought by their

ancestors and encouraged by not only the Teaching Hall but also Weyr and

Hold. Everyone was taught how to read music from an early age and

encouraged to learn to play at least one instrument, if not two or

three. It was a poor hold indeed that could not produce a guitar or at

least pipes and a drum to liven winter nights and special occasions.

The meal was very good – though lantine had to concentrate on tasting

it. Most of his senses were involved in sitting thigh to thigh with

Debera. She was quite volatile, talking to everyone, with a great many

things to say about the various performances and the melodic lines that

she particularly liked. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes very

bright. He’d never seen her so elated. But then, he knew he was

feeling high with an almost breathless anticipation of the dancing.

He’d have her in his arms, then, even closer than they were now. He

could barely wait.

But he had to, for of course on First Day ice-cream, the special and

traditional sweet, was available and no-one would want to miss that. It

was a fruit flavour this year, creamy, rich, tangy with lots of tiny

fruit pieces, and he was torn between eating slowly – which meant the

confection might turn sloppy since the Lower Cavern was warm indeed – or

gulping it down firm and cold. He noticed that Debera ate quickly, so

he did the same.

As soon as the diners finished, they dismantled the tables and pushed

back the chairs so that there’d be space for the dancing. The

musicians, re-assembling in smaller units so that the dance music would

be continuous, were tuning up their instruments again.

When all was ready, K’vin led Zulaya – res pendent in the red brocade

dress of her portrait – on to the floor for their traditional opening of

the dance. lantine caught himself wanting to sketch the

distinguished-looking couple, but he’d hidden his pad in the pile of

tables and had to content himself with storing the details in his mind.

He’d never seen Zulaya flirt so with K’vin and the Weyrleader was

responding gallantly. He did notice some riders talking among

themselves, their eyes on the two Leaders, but he couldn’t hear what was

said, and while the glances were speculative it wasn’t his business.

Next the wing leaders handed their partners out on the floor for three

turns before the wing seconds joined them.

Then Tisha – partnered by N’ran, the Weyr medic – whirled very

gracefully in among the dancers. The first dance ended, but now the

floor was open to everyone. The next number was a brisk two-step.

Will you dance with me, Debera?” lantine asked, with a formal bow.

Eyes gleaming, head held high and smiling as if her face would split

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne