Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

and turned his face away. You’ve done her proud, lantine. Proud.”

She’s easy. She’s beautiful,’ lantine said.

Yes, isn’t she?” Something about the tone of his voice made lantine

wonder at such a response. They were Weyrleaders, together, weren’t

they? They always made such a stance of a good partnership.

But lantine was getting as good at hearing things that weren’t expressed

as he was at seeing all that could be seen. Not his place to comment,

though, despite a growing admiration for K’vin as Weyrleader.

Zulaya was a bit reserved, he knew from having spent so much time

painting her, but she was much older than lantine. And older than

K’vin, too, for that matter.

That gown was perfect for her,’ lantine remarked to break an awkward


Yes, she had it made for the last Hatching,’ K’vin said and the smile

he turned towards lantine was easy, relaxed.

lantine wondered if all he’d seen that morning hadn’t skewed his

judgment. They were at the weyr stairs now and climbed up. At the top

of the steep flight, lantine was glad he wasn’t even out of breath.

You’re in good shape,’ K’vin said, with another friendly slap to his

back to push him on into the high-ceilinged entrance to the weyr.

I’d need to be, wouldn’t I?” lantine replied with a droll laugh.

He paused briefly, his eyes seeking the weyrlings at the lake. Yes,

Debera was there, oiling Morath. He’d have a chance to talk to her

later: maybe even take dinner with her and show her Chalkin’s portrait

before he made the changes.

Could he, he wondered as he watched K’vin change into the Gather clothes

he wore for his portrait, add to that face what went on in that man’s

miserable soul? Was he good enough to attempt such a portrayal?

Amid all the frantic preparations for Turn’s End, Clisser braved S’nan’s

displeasure to request transport to the Telgar Engineering Hall to

discuss the feasibility of the Stonehenge installation for Pern’s

purposes. Well, Clisser kept his request to a need to discuss something

vital with Kalvi since S’nan felt such bells, whistles and signals

should be unnecessary if the Weyrs were kept on their toes during


Jemmy had meticulously drawn a replica of the prehistoric stone circle,

plus another of a reconstruction of what it had originally looked like,

and such description as might be valuable to Kalvi and his team.

Kalvi took one quick, almost derisive glance at the drawings, and then a

second, more respectful one.

Eye Rock? Finger Rock? Solstice?” He gave Clisser a broad smile. I

do believe it will suffice and rather neatly.” Then he frowned.

Couldn’t you have given me a little more time? Solstice is only two

weeks offI Clisser began.

Sorry, friend,’ Kalvi said with a self-deprecating smile, you’d be

busy with rehearsing and all that. Hmmm. Just leave it with me. I

think we can contrive something and he riffled through Jemmy’s sketches.

Hmmm, yes, the lad has real talent.

Don’t you dare seduce him away from the College,’ Clisser said,

assembling as fierce a frown on his face as he gave to wayward students.

Kalvi grinned, pretending to recoil in terror but his eyes were on the

drawings. We’ll manage.” He gave an exaggerated sigh. It’s what

we’re good at.” Clisser left, reassured that he would not fail the

Conclave on this matter.

Turn 5 End at Fort Hold and Telgar Weyr Traditionally the Lords Holder

and the Weyrleaders and the invited heads of the various Professions –

met in Conclave the day beftre Turn’s End – the Winter Solstice – to

discuss what matters should be brought to those who would assemble for

the festivities. Should a referendum figure on the agenda, its details

would have been previously circulated. It would also be read out that

evening in every main Hold and Hall. If voting was required, votes were

cast the morning of the First Day of Turn’s End, the results counted and

returned to the second traditional sitting of the Conclave on the day

after Turn’s End, when the New Year started.

The tradition was even more important in this 258th year after Landing

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne