Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

with the Pass so imminent. Although Vergerin had been in charge but

twenty days before the Conclave, it was obvious that he was taking a

firm, but just Hold on Bitra.

He was also working his assistants hard but fairly. None of

them had any complaint to register when adroitly queried by their

fathers or mothers. Vergerin’s first official act had been to send

riders to every single known holding and announce Chalkin’s removal and

that as many as could attend Turn’s End at Bitra Hold would be made

welcome. Vergerin paid for additional supplies out of his own funds.

(No-one had found Chalkin’s treasury; nor had he taken it with him into

exile. Nadona had denied any knowledge of its whereabouts and moaned

that he had left her without a mark to her name.) Altering a previously

made decision, the Teachers’ College planned now to supply a Turn’s End

concert to Bitra. They would bring the copies of the Charter which

Vergerin had requested, to be given to each small holder. That would

deplete to a few dozen the printed copies left in the College Library,

but Clisser felt it to be in a very good caus the Turn’s End music

featured Sheledon’s ambitious Landing Suite’ – which made mention of

the Charter – the audience would have a better understanding of what the

music, and indeed, the printed Charter, was all about. Bitran holders

would n longer be kept in abysmal ignorance of their Charter-given


Consequently when the Conclave sat, the first order of business was to

confirm Vergerin as Lord Holder of Bitra. He was not abjured to train

his young relatives, Chalkin’s sons – to succession although he was in

conscience bound to see them well taken care of, educated and prepared

to make their own living as adults. He was relieved of his promise to

forego having legitimate heirs and promptly installed at Bitra a

nine-year-old son and a five-year-old daughter No-one ever knew who

their mother had been. Vergerin made it plain that he was interested in

acquiring a spouse suitable to hold as his Lady.

Clisser was called on to report on the matter of an indestructible and

unambiguous method of confirming a Pass, and said that Kalvi and he had

agreed on the mechanism and it would be installed on the eastern face of

every Weyr. Kalvi looked suitably smug and nodded wisely, so Paulin

allowed himself to be reassured. He wanted no more problems like

Chalkin to arise again! Ever! And now was the moment to prevent them.

The matter of a new hold being established and named CROM came up, and

there was considerable discussion.

Look, they are entitled to use their Charter-granted acres, and that

amounts to a fair whack of land,’ Bastom said, unexpectedly coming down

on the side of the applicants. Let em call it a hold Yes, but they

want autonomy and besides, they’re too far from any other Hold up there

in the hills,’ Azury put in.

It’ll have to prove it’s self-sufficient Tashvi said, looking

reluctant to admit that much. Which was understandable since Telgar was

also a mining Hold.

They have to follow the rules, same as everyone else, Paulin said in a

neutral manner. And supply basic needs to Contract workers.” They’re

in good shape to do so,” Azury remarked dryly, what with the profit

they can expect from supplying high grade ore at the start of a Pass.”

Consider them on probation,’ was Bridgely’s suggestion, and that was

the motion which was carried.

There were a few more minor details to be discussed but these were

carried as well. This year there was no referendum to be presented to

the population.

However, I want every one of you to give a fitli report of the trials

and Chalkin’s impeachment to the assembled,’ Paulin reminded the Lord

Holders. We want the truth circulated and believed: not a mess of

rum ours

Like the cannibalism!” Bridgely had been highly indignant over that

one. Sadistic Chalkin was, but let’s squash that one now!” How under

the sun did such a rumour ever get started?” Paulin asked, appalled.

S’nan looked in a state of shock, staring incredulous at the Benden Lord

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne