Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part six


The “cold storage”, I suspect,’ Bridgely said, disgusted.

We didn’t coin the term,’ said Azury with a shrug.

Well, we don’t want it circulated,’ M’shall said angrily. Bad V,;

enough having to live with the facts without having to debunk the

fantasies.” We do want the swift justice meted out to the rapists and

the murderers to be well publicized, though,’ Richud put in.

That, yes! Speculation, no,’ Paulin said. He rose, and tapped the

gavel on its block. I declare this session of the Conclave dismissed.

Enjoy Turn’s End and we’ll meet in three days’ time.

He intended to enjoy every moment of it for the year he’d put in.

He noticed a similar determination on other faces, especially young

Gallian’s. Apart from the Chalkin affair, Jamson had no need to fault

his son’s management of High Reaches. Though maybe that bit about

cannibalism’ could be whispered in Jamson’s presence. That would

certainly alter his opinion about impeachment. Somehow Thea was still

ailing’ and had persuaded her spouse to stay on in Ista for Turn’s End.

That gave more opportunity for the Chalkin affair to die a natural


Turn’s End was a holiday for everyone except for those involved in the

ambitious Landing Suite’ debut at all the Weyrs and the major Holds.

Clisser was run ragged with rehearsals and last-minute assignments, and

understudies for those with winter colds. Then he had the extra burden

of preparing for the precise calculations needed to set up the fail-safe

mechanism to predict a Pass. Torn between the musical rehearsals and

observing the installation of a permanent Thread-Fall warning device, he

opted for the latter. Of course, his role was supervisory, as the more

precise location had to be conducted by teams of astronomers, engineers

and Weyrleaders on the eastern rim of all six establishments. He, Jemmy

and Kalvi were to set the mechanism at Benden, the first Weyr to see’

the phenomenon, then skedaddle on dragon back to each of the other five

Weyrs to be sure all went smoothly.

It was imperative that the first installation, at Benden, had to be spot

on in case there might be a distortion at any other.

Though Clisser doubted it, not with Kalvi fussing and fussing over the

components. Clisser had been over and over the requisite steps to

pinpoint the rise of the Red Star. Once that circular eye’ was set on

the Rim, they could install the pointer, the finger. But the eye’ had

to be spot on! The teams had been in place for the past week, with

pre-dawn checks on the Red Planet’s position at dawn. All that was

necessary now was a clear morning, and that seemed to be possible across

the continent which had enjoyed some bright clear, if wintry, skies.

Fine weather was critically important at Benden, for the other Weyrs

could take adjusted measurements from that reading if necessary.

Kalvi was still fiddling with the design of what he was calling the Eye

Rock, which would bracket the Red Planet at dawn on Winter Solstice. His

main problem was adjusting the pointer . . . the position at a

distance from the Eye itself at which the viewer would stand to see the

planet. The pointer had to accommodate different physical heights. Old

diagrams of Stonehenge and other prehistoric rings had surfaced.

Actually Bethany’s students had found them after an intensive search of

long-unused documents. Fortunately for Clisser’s peace, Sallisha had

gone to Nerat for the Turn’s End celebration, ready to start her next

year’s teaching Contract. He was spared any reminder from her of how

important it was to keep such ancient knowledge viable.

He had rehearsed arguments, in case he had a letter from her, about the

fact that, in the crunch, someone had remembered.

He was quite excited – if freezing – to be on Benden Weyr’s Rim with the

others, telescopes set up, aimed in the appropriate direction while

Kalvi and Jemmy fiddled with their components. Kalvi had put up a cone

for the pointer; the notion being that a person resting their chin on

the cone’s tip would see the Red Planet bracketed just as it cleared the

horizon. They’d have to try it with folks of various statures to be

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne