Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

No, my Lord Holder, after you,’ Vergerin said with a courtly gesture.

Ah, but my soon-to-be Lord Holder, after you.

I didn’t realize I smelled that bad,’ Vergerin said ruefully and led

the way out.

He was looking about him now, Paulin noticed, as if assessing the

condition of the place. He stopped so short that Paulin nearly bounced

off him. Pointing to the inner wall where Chalkin’s portrait by Iantine

was ostentatiously illuminated, he pivoted, eyes wide, his expression


My nephew never . . . looked . . – like that,’ he said, laughter

rippling through his tone.

Paulin chuckled, too, having his first good look at the representation.

I believe it took the artist some time to paint a .

. satisfactory portrait of your nephew.

With so little to work on . . . but I can’t have that hanging

there,’ Vergerin exclaimed. It’s . . . it’s Ludicrous?” Paulin

suggested. Poor lantine, to have had to prostitute his abilities to

create that!

That will do for starters.” Paulin leaned close to Vergerin, trying not

to inhale because the warmth of the Hall was increasing the pong of

manure emanating from Vergerin’s clothing.

I don’t think you’ll hurt the artist’s feelings by removing it from

such a prominent place.” Would he consider repainting it to a closer

likeness to the model?” Vergerin asked. That would remind me of my

youthful follies as well as how not to manage a Hold.

lantine’s here – helped us get in, in fact. You can ask him yourself.

After I’ve had that bath, Vergerin said and continued on his way to the

stairs and cleanliness.

Younger sons and daughters were conveyed in from every major Hold,

dressed and prepared to work hard. If some were disappointed that

Vergerin had been found, they hid it well which did them no disservice.

By the time a substantial breakfast had been served, Vergerin had had a

chance to speak to each of the eight young folk and decide what areas of

responsibility they should assume.

Irene put a wing of Benden riders at Vergerin’s disposition to use in

contacting the larger holdings in Bitra and announcing Chalkin’s

impeachment and exile.

By then M’shall had returned. I dumped him . . . and his packages,

on Island 32. You’ll need to know that for the records.

It’s rather a nice place. Too bad he gets it.” Did you have any

trouble with him?” Paulin asked.

M’shall looked amused as he unbuckled his flight gear.

With the wallop Bastom gave him? He was still unconscious when I left

him. Near a stream.” M’shall made a face. I should have dumped him in

it. Serve him right for what he did to those he had in cold storage.

By mid-morning matters seemed to be in Vergerin’s complete control and

the Council members felt able to leave Bitra Hold.

lantine begged a ride from K’vin for himself and Chalkin’s portrait.

When are you coming to Benden Hold?” Bridgely wanted to know, catching

the young portraitist coming down the 1’courtyard steps.

Lord Bridgely, I am sorry not to be ready quite yet,’ lantine said.

Bridgely jabbed his finger at the painting. You’re not letting that

take precedent, are you?” And he scowled.

No, never,’ lantine said, recoiling slightly. Then he grill fled.

Not that it will take me long to change the face on it. Hut it’s last

()n my list. I’ve to finish K’vin’s portrait, and a few nire of the

Telgar riders, and then I’ll come. I can probably mke it after Turn’s

End.” Well, I’ll give you until then, yung man, but no longer, Bridgely

said, sounding aggrieved. Then he smiled to ill,iy lantine’s obvious

anxiety. Don’t worry about it, lad. 1 just want to know where my lady

and I fit into your appointment calendar.

With that he walked away.

K’vin was hiding his grin behind his gloved hand. One Cifi be too

successful, you know,’ he said. Then he gestured for lantine to mount

Charanth, while he held the painting which he passed up to the artist

when he was settled. I’m glad you’re going to fix this.

Lord Holder Vergerin specifically requested me to. And I must say, I’m

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne