Sara Douglass – Battleaxe

GoldFeather found his physical attraction irresistible. The first time she had seen

StarDrifter he had but to hold out his hand and smile, speaking not a single word, and she had

gone to his arms then as she did now.

GoldFeather glanced over StarDrifter‘s shoulder. ―EvenSong?‖ she asked, her voice

breathless with excitement and love.

―Following later, my love,‖ StarDrifter smiled. ―She preferred to fly with FreeFall.‖

GoldFeather rested her hands against StarDrifter‘s chest and stared into his eyes.

―StarDrifter,‖ she whispered,‖ I have something that I…‖

―Not yet, my love, not yet,‖ StarDrifter whispered and stopped her words with his mouth.

Azhure finally turned away and left them alone, wandering away to the side of the grove and

sitting beneath a tree. She felt unutterably lonely, the alien outcast among the two races of the

Forbidden. The joy of the reunion between the Avar and the Icarii, and between StarDrifter and

GoldFeather, drove home as nothing else could the truth that she had no-one to worry over her

and hold her tight when she returned home.

GoldFeather finally managed to tear her mouth away from StarDrifter‘s. ―StarDrifter,‖

she said, her voice tight with urgency, ―I have to talk to you. Our son did not die! I was tricked

by Jayme, may his soul drift for eternity! Our son lives! ‖

StarDrifter‘s grip loosened slightly around GoldFeather and he leaned back to study her

face. So long had it been since the loss of their first child that for a moment StarDrifter could

make no sense of her words. After a while he shook his head in bewilderment, almost denial.

―No, no…what do you mean? Our son? He died…you saw him…our son died…‖ His voice

trailed off into silence.

GoldFeather‘s chest heaved with great sobs. ―Jayme stole him and raised him and our son

is now BattleAxe of the Seneschal!‖

StarDrifter let GoldFeather go completely and stepped back. ―No, no, it cannot be. Our

son? The BattleAxe?‖

Raum, who had been watching carefully from some distance away, now hobbled forward.

He hadn‘t been sure how StarDrifter would react to the news and he was not entirely surprised at

the look of horrified denial across the Enchanter‘s face.

―Enchanter, it is true.‖ He said quietly, and StarDrifter spun his head towards Raum.

Raum raised his hand. ―Peace, Enchanter! Listen to me. I have met the BattleAxe. He names

himself Axis Rivkahson, and…‖

―Imposter!‖ StarDrifter hissed, black anger now spreading across his face. This must be a

foul trick of the Seneschal, designed to trick and then trap the Icarii Enchanter!

Raum stood his ground. ―No, Enchanter. Not that. He has your eyes, and the cast of your

features. No! Wait! There is more. Beneath the black of the BattleAxe dwells the soul of an Icarii

Enchanter, StarDrifter SunSoar.‖ Raum stepped up to the Icarii and grabbed his arm. It was rigid

with tension. Raum forced himself to stare unwavering into StarDrifter‘s furious eyes. ―Before

me your son sang the Song of Recreation. He recreated the Avar child I had with me, StarDrifter,

when she was all but dead. Do not tell me the Seneschal can create an imposter with such


StarDrifter stared at Raum a moment longer, then he turned to GoldFeather and opened

his mouth, but he couldn‘t say anything.

GoldFeather threw her arms about him and pressed her face against his chest. ―It is true,

my love, it is true. I stood no further from him than Raum now stands from you, but I did not

know it was our son!‖ She started to sob again, and StarDrifter pulled his arm from Raum‘s grasp and wrapped it around GoldFeather. ―What are we going to do?‖ he whispered to no-one in

particular. ―How can we get our son back? How can I leave my son with the Seneschal?‖

My son, he thought. I have a son. It was a thought which altered his entire existence. I

have an Enchanter son.

Crest-Leader FarSight CutSpur strode through the crowded groves, his raven-backed

wings folded carefully out of the way, his sense of military organisation and discipline offended

by the excited jumble of Avar and Icarii about him. His black brows frowned as he peered about

for StarDrifter SunSoar, his brother wanted him, and what RavenCrest SunSoar wanted he

generally got if FarSight had anything to do with it. RavenCrest SunSoar was the Icarii Talon,

and the direct commander of the Icarii Strike Force. Under him ranged twelve Crest-Leaders, of

whom FarSight was the most senior. Each of their Crests was composed of twelve Wings, the

basic unit of the Strike Force, themselves composed of twelve Icarii males and females. Those

Icarii in the Strike Force had come to the Yuletide Meet in their guise as milita ry personnel

rather than as individual Icarii participating in the Yuletide rite. The Icarii had grievous news to

impart to the Avar, but the Talon was insisting that his brother StarDrifter join the Combined

Council of Elders, Crest-Leaders, Banes and Enchanters that was now convening within the

magical circle of stones surrounding the Earth Tree. Thus Crest-Leader FarSight CutSpur strode

purposefully through the crowds, ignoring cheerful greetings and those Avar who fell quiet when

they noticed he was fully armed for war with his bow slung over his shoulder and his quiver of

war arrows hanging ready down his back between his wings.

No-one had brought weapons to the Avar camps and the groves in living memory.

FarSight found StarDrifter, GoldFeather clinging to his side, in the farthest clearing. The

Avar Bane Raum was talking to them earnestly, and FarSight could see that something seriously

troubled the Enchanter. Well, these were seriously troubling days, FarSight thought grimly.

―StarDrifter!‖ he called several times, before having to virtually shout directly into

StarDrifter‘s face to get his attention. ―StarDrifter, the Talon wants you. He has convened a

Combined Council in the Sacred Circle, and you must be there.‖

StarDrifter was definitely distracted, and GoldFeather distressed, but FarSight was

unmoved. If they had family troubles then they would have to set them aside. ―Now,‖ he said

firmly and turned his gaze upon Raum. ―You must come too, Bane. There are matters that need

to be discussed before the rites begin this evening. If the rites begin this evening.‖

That got Raum‘s attention and his dark eyes deepened in concern. ―FarSight, StarDrifter

has received shocking news, but I think it may be news that the Council should hear as well.

StarDrifter, come. We must go. You too, GoldFeather. You may be able to help the Council.‖

They were the last to join the Council and the Talon, RavenCrest SunSoar, was clearly

impatient to start proceedings. He was a beautiful birdman with vivid violet eyes, his hair as dark

as his younger brother StarDrifter‘s was light, and with the underside of his raven-backed wings

dyed a brilliant speckled blue. Although Icarii rarely changed the colour of their hair or their

wingbacks, they tended to dye their underwings as the impulse took them. RavenCrest‘s

breeches matched his underwings and about both his upper arms shone the twin silver armbands

of his rank. RavenCrest had led the Icarii for over fifty years, since the death of his and

StarDrifter‘s father RushCloud, yet the past few days had been by far the most harrowing he had

ever experienced.

As soon as his brother and GoldFeather joined the group of about one hundred and

twenty Avar and Icarii gathered about the base of the Earth Tree, RavenCrest began speaking. As

he spoke he strutted up and down beneath the Earth Tree. Behind him and slightly to one side

stood his only son, FreeFall SunSoar, who had his uncle‘s golden hair but his father‘s violet


―My friends and neighbours,‖ RavenCrest began, ―the Strike Force has brought me

disturbing news. Our far-flight scouts have reported great numbers of Skraelings, as well as other

unknown creatures, massing in the southern parts of Ravensbund at the River Andakilsa. They

are preparing to strike the Groundwalkers‘ fort in Gorken Pass. That is the reason we are so late;

we did not want to leave our observation of northern Ichtar until the last moment possible.

Currently it lies under a fearsome storm of some dark sorcery that we do not yet understand.‖

RavenCrest held up his hand to silence the nervous chatter that broke out and went on. ―There is

more. Storm clouds build to the north of the groves, and the Skraelings are also massing along

the northern borders of the Avarinheim. My cousins Avar, I fear that the Avarinheim will shortly

suffer the same action as Gorkenfort.‖

―But that‘s impossible!‖ cried Bane Mirbolt. ―The Skraelings have ever been loathe to

enter the Avarinheim. They cannot stand the trees, nor the closeness of the groves to the northern

borders of the Avarinheim.‖

―Gorgrael now lends the Skraeling wretches the benefit of his power, Mirbolt,‖ Raum

said quietly, standing so that his words could be easily heard. ―Who knows what they will do

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Categories: Sara Douglass