Sara Douglass – Battleaxe

disturbed from his contemplations, you see. But I am glad to have company.‖ He waved at the

men to sit down. ―Please, sit…sit.‖

Ogden banged some dirty plates on the table, stared at them for a moment, then wiped

them perfunctorily with the skirt of his habit, leaving even more smears. ―They‘ve not yet

informed me why they‘re here, Veremund.‖ He passed the plates about the table.

Veremund smiled broadly at the men. ―Well, that doesn‘t matter, does it. We have plenty

of time to hear their story.‖ He paused, and a shadow crossed his face. ―Gentlemen, forgive me if

I ask this. But I can‘t help wondering if you had any trouble coming through the Woods?‖

Ogden, who was rummaging in the larder behind their backs, paused and turned back to

the table. His eyes briefly met Veremund‘s.

Axis glanced at Timozel and Arne. ―We were not inside the trees a hundred paces

when…‖ He paused. ―When…‖

―Ah,‖ said Veremund softly, wringing his hands, a sad expression crossing his face. ―The

Woods, you see, they would not allow your axes in, would they?‖

―Demons,‖ said Arne darkly. ―No woods or forests should be allowed to stand. It‘s an

affront to Artor.‖

Ogden banged a cold honeyed ham on the table. He chortled. ―Young man, the Seneschal

have been trying to cut these woods down for a thousand years. Why—so it is said—one day

Axemen five thousand strong surrounded the Woods with their axes and tried to cut their way

through.‖ He laughed again. ―None survived the experience…Axemen, I mean.‖

Axis looked at the others, startled. ―But I thought these Woods were left standing because

the Seneschal wanted the Keep left undisturbed.‖

Veremund sighed and sat down. ―Unfortunately, the Seneschal is not yet strong enough

to conquer these Woods, BattleAxe. The old magic is still too strong.‖ Gilbert frowned at the

casual mention of magic. Veremund looked back to Ogden, returning from the larder with a t ray

laden with food. The unspoken thought passed between them—why had the Woods taken the

axes yet let the men live to reach the Keep? The Woods had let none live for…well, for many


The kettle whistled and Veremund busied himself setting some tea to steep while Ogden

unloaded the tray. Their four guests exchanged surprised looks; the food that Ogden laid out was

as fine as that of Priam‘s table itself. There were four different kinds of bread, an array of cold

meats, pickles, mustards, fresh vegetables, various berry tarts and jellies, cream, butter, spiced

fruits and a variety of cheeses.

Gilbert cleared his throat. ―Excuse me, Brothers, but, ah, I was wondering how you

manage to set such a fine table?‖

Ogden and Veremund, sitting themselves down at the table, looked baffled. ―Why, the

food comes from the larder, of course,‖ Ogden said.

―Yes,‖ Gilbert pushed, wriggling a little on his bench, ―but how does it get in there? I

mean, do you butcher and bake all this yourself ? There were no livestock outside, and we saw

no gardens.‖

Ogden‘s eyes snapped. ―Young whip-snake, the food comes from the larder. I presume

Veremund puts it in there.‖

Veremund‘s eyes widened in denial. ―Oh, no, no, no, Ogden! You put it in there. I don‘t.‖

Ogden turned on Veremund, absolutely furious at being contradicted. ―No, I don‘t! You

do!‖ His plump cheeks had gone pink with anger.

―Brothers,‖ Axis said hastily to avoid further argument. ―It really doesn‘t matter. I‘m

sorry if Brother Gilbert‘s question offended you. Please, the food is more than we could have


―Well,‖ Veremund huffed. ―If you will excuse me, I will attend to your horses. There is a

stable out the back. If you could perhaps leave your tale until I return I won‘t have to impose on

you to repeat your words.‖ He pushed himself back from the table and sniffed at Ogden.

―Brother Ogden, perhaps you would be so kind as to pour the tea while I am gone.‖ Then he

stalked from the room, slamming the Keep door behind him.

An hour later the men were warm, fed and far more relaxed than previously. Veremund

had stomped back inside and joined them at the table. He refused to eat, sipping only at a mug of

steaming tea. Ogden leaned forward. ―Now, young men, what brings the BattleAxe, two

Axe-Wielders, and what you claim to be the Brother-Leader‘s adviser deep into the Silent

Woman Woods to disturb two old men who would prefer to be left alone?‖

Axis stared at his empty mug for a moment, then looked at Ogden and Veremund.

―Brothers, we‘ve come because the Seneschal, Achar itself, needs your help.‖

For almost an hour Axis talked, telling them everything he knew about the problems in

the north. Occasionally he‘d clarify a detail with Gilbert, and sometimes one or other of the two

Brothers would ask a question. Finally he sat back. ―Well, can you help us? Can you tell us how

to defeat these unbodied wraiths?‖

Ogden looked at Axis, then glanced about the rest of the table. His eyes were troubled.

―My sons. The news you bring is grievous. I am afraid to tell you that I, we, believe the news is

worse than you yet realise.‖ He paused.

Axis‘ face tightened. ―Then tell me, man, tell me! Don‘t sit there and keep me guessing!‖

―BattleAxe. At one point you mentioned the possibility that this danger from the north

might not actually be the Forbidden themselves,‖ said Veremund stumbling over the word

―Forbidden‖, ―but something else. You were correct. Brother Ogden and I are afraid that the

danger you speak of might be the Destroyer, Gorgrael himself, driving his Ghostmen and his ice

and cloud down from the north.‖

Axis glanced at Gilbert, but Gilbert looked as perplexed as he. ―Veremund, what do you

mean? Who is this Destroyer? This Gorgrael?‖

Ogden answered instead. ―Axis, first let me explain about this Keep a little.‖ Axis

nodded. ―Jayme told you that the Keep contained records, ancient records, from the time when

the Acharites penned the Forbidden behind the Fortress Ranges, is that right?‖

Axis nodded again. ―Jayme hoped that these records would contain valuable information

about how to defeat the Forbidden.‖

Ogden blinked, amused. ―Hardly, young man. The records that this Keep contains are the

actual records of the Forbidden themselves. They extend back almost eight thousand years.‖

―What!‖ Gilbert was appalled. ―They should have been burned hundreds of years ago!‖

Ever since the Forbidden had been penned behind the Fortress Ranges and the Icescarp Alps the

Seneschal had done everything in their power to rid Achar of any sign or memory of the

Forbidden, even discouraging people from repeating the old legends that included the Forbidden.

No wonder the Seneschal did not encourage any interest in the Silent Woman Woods and Keep.

―Exactly why the Seneschal has not let it be widely known that they exist, you young

simpleton!‖ Ogden snapped at Gilbert. ―They might be the records of the Forbidden, but they are

valuable for precisely that reason.‖

―But the Forbidden are brutes, hardly better than beasts, Ogden. How could they keep

records?‖ Axis asked quietly, leaning forward so that the firelight glinted in his eyes and in the

short hairs of his blond beard.

Veremund answered. ―BattleAxe. The Forbidden, as you have so simplistically called

them, had a written and oral culture that was far more complex than our own. Even after

hundreds of years of brothers studying the records that remain, we can only dimly comprehend

the complexity and beauty of their lives.‖

Arne studied both Brothers carefully. ―You sound as if you admire them.‖

―Young man, it has been hard for Brother Ogden and myself to do anything but admire

them. They were beautiful peoples.‖

―Sacrilege!‖ Gilbert hissed. ―You are unworthy to wear the robes of the Seneschal!‖

―Hush, Gilbert,‖ Axis said tersely, though he sympathised with Gilbert‘s reactions. How

could these Brothers admire the Forbidden when, as every Artor-fearing Acharite knew, the

Forbidden had done their best to slaughter every man, woman and child in Achar? ―You said

‗peoples‘, Veremund.‖

―The Forbidden are composed of two peoples. The Icarii, sometimes known as the people

of the Wing, and the Avar, or the people of the Horn. The records here are mainly of the Icarii, although we do have some relating to the Avar as well.‖

―How can you read the language of the Forbidden, Brothers?‖ Gilbert asked suspiciously,

ignoring Axis‘ admonition to keep quiet.

―All the races of this ancient land once lived together, Gilbert, and spoke the same

language. It has scarcely altered over the centuries.‖

We speak the same language as the Forbidden? Axis raised his eyebrows, but he did not

dwell on it. ―And these records will tell us of what we face?‖

Veremund nodded. ―I believe so. But it might be better if I show you rather than simply

tell you. Ogden, do you think that would be best?‖

―Yes, Veremund. I think that would be best.‖

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Categories: Sara Douglass