Sara Douglass – Battleaxe

who wants me.‖ And that was the crux of the matter, she thought. No-one except her mother had

ever loved her, and her mother chose to leave her with Hagen. After a lifetime of rejection and ill-treatment, Azhure yearned to be loved, needed, and valued.

―Azhure!‖ Pease was distraught at the distress in Azhure‘s face. ―We thank you from the

depths of our souls for the life of Raum and Shra. But if you want to be accepted among the Avar

and make your home among us then it must be by the acceptance and invitation of the entire


Azhure nodded.

The entire congregation of the Clans of the Avar met that night in the grove of the Earth

Tree. The Icarii would not be joining them for another day or so, and tonight was reserved for the

Avar people alone. There were several groves used for the religious rites of both the Avar and

Icarii peoples in the northern Avarinheim, but of them all the Earth Tree Grove was the most

venerated and played the most important role in both Yuletide and Beltide rites. At dusk the

Avar people, having eaten light meals in their own camps, began to move reverentially through

the groves, their feet soundless on the carpet of soft grass and pine needles.

All the groves were circular, open to the night skies. The tall secretive trees of the

Avarinheim surrounded them, keeping the mysteries of the groves safe from outside eyes.

Azhure walked with the GhostTree Clan, her eyes downcast. Raum and Barsarbe rejoined them,

and Barsarbe stared at Azhure so coldly that Azhure‘s feelings of shame and remorse deepened.

GoldFeather finally caught something of the woman‘s heartache, and as they approached the

Earth Tree Grove she stepped up beside Azhure and took her hand.

―I have been too preoccupied with my memories and the news of my son to think much

of your troubles, Azhure,‖ GoldFeather said very quietly. ―Do not fear the Meet too much.

Already it stands well in your favour that the GhostTree Clan have allowed you to walk with

them this far. Azhure, know that I will stand with you, and Raum will speak as strongly for you

to this Meet as he did to the GhostTree Clan.‖

Azhure squeezed GoldFeather‘s hand slightly and managed a smile. ―Thank you,

GoldFeather. I appreciate your support.‖

Ah, the poor girl, GoldFeather thought. I should have known how she felt. But what

could I tell her? That even I, loved by StarDrifter as I am, still find it hard to find a place that I

can call home? ―Sometimes I think we dream too much of safe haven in a world where few truly

find it, Azhure. Azhure, if the Avar people decide against you this night then do not let it harden

your heart, not after what you have already endured. And who knows, Azhure. The Icarii value

excitement and daring far more than do the Avar.‖ She paused. ―And beauty.‖

Azhure laughed quietly, allowing GoldFeather to cheer her. How could she complain

when GoldFeather had endured so much loss? ―Then I shall grow wings and fly, GoldFeather,

and knock at their front door. I have no wish to return to Smyrton.‖

Barsarbe frowned at their conversation and cautioned them into silence. ―We approach

the Earth Tree Grove,‖ she whispered. ―Be silent now in respect for the Earth Tree.‖

Even though Azhure had grown used to the beauty of the Avarinheim, she gasped in

wonder at the Earth Tree Grove. It was massive, easily holding all the Avar people gathered

there. On one side it was bordered by the semi-circular black cliff face of the first of the Icescarp

mountains, on the other by the encircling Avarinheim. In its precise centre stood a huge circle of

upright stones, each stone ten paces in height and three in width. They were joined by similar

stones laid horizontally above them, so that the circle consisted of a series of stone archways that

led into the space inside. In the centre of that space stood a gigantic tree, larger than Azhure had seen anywhere else in the Avarinheim. It soared above the encircling stone and reached its

spreading branches to the very stars above. Flaming torches placed in niches in the stone circle

gave enough light to show that the tree had large pointed oval leaves, dark olive in colour and

waxy in appearance. From the ends of the branches drooped fat trumpet-shaped flowers, some

gold, some emerald, some sapphire and some ruby in hue. In daylight the Earth Tree would be as

colourful as a rainbow.

GoldFeather gripped Azhure‘s hand tighter. ―The Earth Tree is the Avar people‘s most

sacred object,‖ she whispered, defying Barsarbe‘s reprimand for silence. ―For them it symbolises

the harmony that exists between earth and nature.‖

Azhure nodded, unwilling to speak before the power of the grove. Even though her hatred

of the Seneschal and her fear of Hagen had made her largely indifferent to religious matters,

Azhure was deeply affected by the atmosphere in the grove and the haunting beauty of the Earth

Tree within its circle of fire-rimmed stone.

The Avar had gathered about the stone circle, sitting themselves about twenty paces away

from it. Banes, both men and women in long pastel robes with leaping deer about their hems,

passed silently in and out of the stone archways, bringing with them bowls of fluid of which all

the Avar partook. Barsarbe and Raum joined the other Banes inside the stone circle, Raum

hobbling awkwardly. Azhure noticed a Bane, old and silver-haired and carrying a wide flat

wooden bowl, approaching the area where the GhostTree Clan had sat. Azhure caught a brief

glimpse of a thick black liquid within the bowl.

The Bane stooped by Grindle and offered him the bowl. ―Drink sweet and deep, brother,

and may the nectar of the Earth Tree guide your steps down the paths to the Sacred Grove when

your time comes,‖ the Bane murmured as Grindle took a mouthful. Then the Bane moved on to

Fleat and Pease, calling them sister, and offering them the bowl. Even the children were greeted

and received a sip of the nectar. GoldFeather smiled as the Bane bent down to her. ―Greetings,

Enchanter‘s wife,‖ the Bane smiled. ―Drink sweet and deep, and may the nectar of the Earth Tree

help you to remember the Star Song when your time comes.‖ GoldFeather took a deep draught

and Azhure watched fascinated as peace and joy spread across GoldFeather‘s face. Her fingers

let the bowl go only reluctantly. The Bane turned to Azhure and frowned slightly. ―Greetings,

sister.‖ He paused. ―I am afraid that until the Meet accepts you into the Avar I cannot offer you

the nectar of the Earth Tree.‖

Azhure‘s face dropped in disappointment, but she understood the Bane‘s reluctance.

The Bane felt for her, but after a moment he stood and moved stiffly towards the next

group of Avar.

GoldFeather stretched a hand towards Azhure, but just as she was about to speak a clear

voice called from among the circle of stone. Azhure could only barely see the speaker, a woman

in late middle-age with hair almost as silver and thick as GoldFeather‘s.

―Bane Mirbolt,‖ GoldFeather murmured to Azhure. ―The most senior of the Banes.‖

―Welcome to the Earth Tree Grove,‖ Mirbolt called, walking about just inside the circle

of stone. Although she quickly moved out of eyesight Azhure could still hear her perfectly.

―Welcome to the Clans of the Avar, who have walked the trails of the Avarinheim since last we

met. In four short days we will enact Yuletide with our brothers and sisters the Icarii, and dance

and sing the sacred rites together. But tonight, brothers and sisters mine, we have other matters to

discuss. Bane Raum has returned from the Mother with startling news. The Prophecy of the

Destroyer walks the earth. Already the Sentinels are abroad.‖ There were disturbed murmurings

among the Avar. Rumours had been spreading for many months, now they had the dreadful

confirmation. The murmurs died as the woman continued. ―Tree Friend has been found and has

been presented to the Mother and to the Sacred Horned Ones.‖ Cries of amazement erupted

about the grove. Tree Friend! The Avar turned each to the other and gripped hands in excitement.

Tree Friend! ―All these matters we must discuss in concert with our Icarii brethren because they

concern them as much as us. This will be a Yuletide when matters are truly turned on their head,

my people.‖

For some time Bane Mirbolt remained silent, walking around the inside of the circle of

stones, the light from the burning torches illuminating her handsome face as she listened to the

Avar people exclaim and discuss among themselves. The news that the Prophecy of the

Destroyer walked was news the Bane had hoped she would never live to utter. What she had to

say to them next was bitter gall. Her voice was very, very soft, but the command ringing through

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Categories: Sara Douglass