Sara Douglass – Battleaxe



―He will live, GoldFeather, but he will not fly for some time. See, these two wounds have

cut deep into the flight muscles of his chest. They will need time to heal.‖ Barsarbe sighed, her

face gaunt and ashen after the terrible night they had all endured. Those Banes left had spent the

hours of the night tending to the wounded. ―Once he gets back to the hot springs of Talon Spike

he will heal faster and cleaner.‖

―I thank you, Bane Barsarbe. You have done more than your best here this night.‖ said

GoldFeather. Barsarbe had worked for over four hours on StarDrifter‘s wounds, stitching the

muscles back into place, sprinkling herbs into the deepest wounds to help fight infection and aid


A small group huddled about StarDrifter as he lay under the Earth Tree. RavenCrest, his

son FreeFall, EvenSong and Azhure. GoldFeather sat by her husband‘s side, her face tight with

worry. A few paces away stood a vigilant group of five of the Strike Force detailed by FarSight

CutSpur to guard the Talon and his heir. RavenCrest and FreeFall had been forced by CutSpur to

lift out of the grove the night before as the Skraelings attacked, and the Strike Force had kept

them well out of the way until the danger was over.

EvenSong had saved GoldFeather. As the Skraelings attacked Pease, EvenSong had

grabbed her mother and, through a supreme effort, lifted her to the tree tops. Although the Icarii

were very strong, few could carry the weight of another into the air.

Now EvenSong sat to one side, watching Bane Barsarbe work on her father. She was a

striking woman, with her uncle RavenCrest‘s violet eyes and her father‘s golden hair; like all

Icarii women, she wore her curls cropped close to her skull. Her wingbacks were the same gold

as her hair, and she dyed her underwings to match her eyes so that in the air she was all gold and

violet. Now her wings were tucked in behind her, the muscles of her back and chest strained and

aching. She and GoldFeather had huddled terrified in the tree tops of Earth Tree Grove, watching

the massacre below them, too scared to cry out even when StarDrifter was attacked, knowing

they could not help him.

EvenSong was shocked by the attack on the grove and her father and numbed by the

news of her elder brother. She knew that her parents had lost a child early in their relationship,

and that it caused them great and lasting sorrow. Now it seemed her brother lived. EvenSong, so

used to being an only child, found it strange to consider that she had an elder brother somewhere,

and one who had inherited StarDrifter‘s powers. EvenSong knew StarDrifter had hoped she

would inherit the mantle of Enchanter from him, but he had hid his disappointment well when it

became apparent that the baby daughter Rivkah carried would wield no more magic than

ordinary women. He loved his daughter nevertheless. But now her brother lived and would

become an Enchanter, if StarDrifter could ever find him. EvenSong, always a little

temperamental, was jealous.

EvenSong regarded Azhure with immense admiration and respect. As she and

GoldFeather had huddled terrified in the trees Azhure had helped turn the tide of the battle, not to

mention saving StarDrifter‘s life. No-one else had managed to act with such decisive

determination. EvenSong knew that many of the Strike Force had been shamed by Azhure‘s

actions. While they had hovered, screaming their frustration, she had somehow managed to rally

those on the ground. There would be soul searching among the Crest-Leaders over the next days.

RavenCrest was furious, both with his own inability to act and with the Crest-Leaders‘

impotence in the face of the Skraeling attack. What was the point, he had screamed earlier this

morning as he had strutted about the grove before the assembled Strike Force, of having a Strike

Force when his people died anyway? Was not the attack last night something they had trained

for? But RavenCrest stopped short of totally humiliating his Strike Force and twelve

Crest-Leaders. The Icarii, as the Avar, had lived in relatively peaceful isolation for so long that

they had forgotten the skills necessary to repel and counterattack. RavenCrest knew he had to

assume as much responsibility for the number of Icarii and Avar dead as anyone else.

RavenCrest, although he loved and respected his brother deeply, felt ashamed that it had

been StarDrifter who had salvaged the House of SunSoar‘s pride. In concert with the Avar, Bane

Raum, he had managed to awaken the Earth Tree, and now she continued to sing over the grove

and the entire northern Avarinheim. Her Song had repelled and destroyed the Skraeling attack.

Still the price had been awful.

Many hundreds of Icarii and Avar had been killed, the Avar bearing the brunt of the

attack because of their passivity and their inability to lift out of the grove. This evening the Icarii

and Avar would build great funeral pyres in the lesser groves, commending their dead to the

River of Death, the Avar praying that they reach the paths of the Sacred Grove while the Icarii

prayed that their own would remember the Star Song so that their souls would eventually be

reborn among the Stars themselves.

Azhure saw EvenSong watching her. She was fascinated by the Icarii woman and hoped

she would have the chance to know her better. But for the moment there was too much sadness

to contemplate new friendships. Fleat‘s daughter Hogni had been killed by the Skraelings as well

as Pease. At least Fleat had been well out of it, escorting the young children further south into the

forest. Hopefully they had evaded attack. Despite the grateful and dignified thanks of the Icarii

and Avar, Azhure felt more cast adrift than ever. Azhure lowered her eyes and studied her hands.

She wasn‘t sure what she should do now. Pease had been her strongest tie with the Clan,

and now she was gone. The memory of her desperate, pain-filled eyes, her hand stretched out to

Azhure for help, would be with her for always. Azhure sat beneath the singing Earth Tree and

stared at her hands, trying to clean the dried blood out from underneath her fingernails, thinking

about her future.

―StarDrifter. Can you talk?‖ RavenCrest squatted down beside his brother.

StarDrifter held out his hand and his brother helped him sit up. Although Barsarbe had

neatly stitched his wounds, his torso still looked appalling, and Azhure winced in sympathy as a

moan escaped his lips. His face was drawn tight with suffering, his injuries now felt worse than

when they had gaped open. Barsarbe had been forced to pull great handfuls of feathers from his

wings in order to stitch the lacerations there, and StarDrifter‘s Icarii vanity hurt almost as much

as his wounds.

―Yes,‖ he said, hoping that his voice did not croak too much. ―We need to talk,


RavenCrest was silent for a moment, looking thoughtfully at the ground, then he raised

his proud head and stared StarDrifter in the eye. ―How much damage did the Skraelings do,


StarDrifter knew he was not asking about the physical damage. He took a deep breath,

then flinched as his wounds screamed in agony at their misuse. ―The damage was bad, yet it

might have been worse, RavenCrest. We did not finish the Yuletide rites, but the SkraeBolds did

not launch the attack until after the circle of fire was lit. The sun will be reborn, and has,‖ he

said, his eyes briefly checking the sky. ―But it will be weak as it grows towards the spring thaw.

Perhaps too weak. The earth will have to struggle hard if it is to break through the covering of

snow and ice. Brother, it could have been worse. If the circle of fire had not been lit we could be

facing perpetual winter.‖

RavenCrest nodded. ―Gorgrael has gained ground.‖

―But not as much as he had hoped for,‖ his son FreeFall said, standing behind his father.

The young Icarii prince was starting to grow into his birthright, and over the past few years was

admitted to all of his father‘s councils and allowed to take on some of the daily tasks of the

position he would one day inherit. FreeFall was considered by many to have the makings of a

great Talon in him; unlike his father, he did not sometimes let his innate arrogance get in the way

of making the right decision.

StarDrifter nodded at his brother and nephew. ―You are both right. Gorgrael had surely

hoped for far more than what his SkraeBolds achieved. If they had done what he ordered then even now winter would be freezing over the Avarinheim, and I would be in the Destroyer‘s


GoldFeather, who had remained silent through this exchange, looked horrified. ―What do

you mean, ‗in the Destroyer‘s clutches‘?‖

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Categories: Sara Douglass